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his face lit up at the mention of her name. his pink plump lips curved into a smile as he swirled the spoon in the cup of steaming coffee. the dark liquid turned a light brown, almost like the color of his eyes, as he mixed the creamer.

"we are pretty great. we're actually having dinner with my parents tonight." he said as he brought the mug to his lips.

i gave a soft smile as i wrapped my hands around my mug, "i'm sure they'll love her."

"i sure hope so," he said after he took a swallow of his coffee.

i looked down at the steam rising from the cup. the aching in my chest made tears fill my eyes. i quickly blinked them away and shook my head. i took a deep breath before looking back up at him.

"are you okay?" he asked pushing his brows together as his happy expression soon turned to concern.

"yeah, i'm fine." i lied with a somewhat convincing smile.

"i know you're lying y/n, you're eyes always give that away." he said setting his coffee down and crossing his arms over his chest.

"i'm just tired that's all." i said shrugging.

"do you not like Sophia?" he asked after a short silence.

i swallowed hard and shook my head, "it's not that i don't like her shawn." i said.

"then what is it?" he asked becoming slightly defensive.

"you can't just expect me to be okay with you dating him all of a sudden." his voice was dripping with anger.

"why? it's not like we're together or anything." i said using my hand to gesture between me and him.

"don't you get it y/n? i love you." He admitted.

i shook the memory from my head and looked up from the hardwood floor. my eyes met his confused ones as he waited for an answer.

"i just don't get it, you two happened so suddenly. it was like right after me and Sam broke up, you and Sophia got together." i tried to ignore his question and not admit my feelings.

"so that's why you don't like Sophia? because we started dating so soon?" he asked still confused.

"no, it's just-," I cut myself off and sighed as i ran my fingers through my hair out of frustration, "that night on the rooftop when you told me you loved me, i thought maybe-." He cut me off.

"you ignored me for weeks after that. you can't be mad at me for finally getting over you, and you can't hate Sophia for being the girl that i'm with now." shawn said as he dumped the rest of his drink down the drain before he grabbed his coat.

"i have to go." he said shaking his head as he put his jacket over his shoulders.

i have to tell him. i can't keep this to myself, he has to know. what I'm about to do will probably ruin our friendship, but he can't go without knowing. i can't go without him knowing.

"Shawn, i love you." He froze as he reached for the door knob. his back tensed up as he looked down at the door handle.

"i'm sorry, but you have to know. i can't keep it to myself. after the night you told me, i tried to break up with Sam. he wasn't having it, which is why it took me weeks to talk to you." i admitted.

he shook his head before opening the door. he stormed out without saying anything. i felt my chest tighten, it became difficult to breathe. i covered my forehead with my hand as i comprehended what just happened.

i just ruined everything.

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