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i just finished, it ends with us, currently bawling. if you haven't read it, highly recommend.

a soft hum rang in my ears, breaking me out of my concentration. the words on the paper began to blur together causing me to shake my head. after a few seconds of realizing my streak of consciousness was officially broken, i tore my eyes away from the smudged sentences.

my eyes landed on his muscular back. i watched as his muscles flexed with every sudden move, his hands moved cautiously to find the right key, suddenly his hum aligned with soft music flowing from the piano.

i smiled proudly as i watched his creativity flow through the dimly lit room. he had been working on that piece of weeks now, and he finally perfected it. as the music slowly faded out, i shut the notebook in my lap.

i stood to my feet before walking closer to shawn. i placed my hand on his back causing his head to turn to me, an accomplished grin upon his lips.

"it sounds amazing honey." i said beginning to rub small circles along his back.

"really? you think so?" he questioned with a sudden look of worry in his dark brown eyes.

"i know so." i reassured as i placed myself in front of him. my fingers trailed from his back, over his shoulder, and down his chest. he swallowed hard as his hands reached out to my hips.

"how are you ideas coming along?" he asked as his hands trailed up my waist.

i shrugged, "i think i might need some inspiration."

his brows raised as his head tilted back slightly. the corner of his lips twitched into a smile as his eyes flickered down to my lips.

"really?" he asked as he allowed his smile to form across his lips. he pulled me closer to him causing me to wrap my legs around him and sit on his lap.

his eyes watched me closely as i ran my fingers through his hair. the feeling of his hands running down my back, made my entire body slowly start to heat up.

"do you think you could help me out?" i asked licking my lips slightly as i caught his eyes.

"i know so." he said brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, before he cupped my cheek. he pressed his lips against mine softly, only making me want more.

my hand raked through his hair before stopping on the back of his head, i pushed him closer deepening the kiss. he breathed in sharply as he quickly stood to his feet.

his hands gripped my thighs for support as he stood to his feet. i clung onto his body tightly and yelped from the sudden action.

his deep laugh vibrates against my body, "i've got you." he reassured as he began to carry me upstairs.

this was just the inspiration i needed.

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