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it's 2:53 and ya girl is in her feelings

"she loved you, you know that right?" racheal looked at him with her eyebrow raised and a concerned look in her eyes.

"yes, and i loved her."

"she cried over you for days shawn." racheal's voice wasn't as soft and turned cold. she hated what he did to her best friend. the heart break he caused and the heart wrenching sobs.

"i know." his voice lowered as he looked down at his lap.

"then why didn't you make the effort to see her? or even call her? you didn't even try to reach out to her to give her the closure she needs." racheal looked at him with confusion and anger.

shawn was silent as his eyes burned with tears threatening to spill. his chest ached and his throat felt as if it was closing.

"you broke her! you broke y/n, why didn't you?" Shawn cut her off. he couldn't take it anymore.

"because i'm broken too," he shouted finally looking up at meeting racheal's green eyes, "and if i see her and see her break down in front of me i'll break and confess that i miss her. i miss her lips, i miss her corny jokes, and her amazing laugh that would light up her eyes," shawn drifted off as he remembered all the beautiful things he loved about her.

he slowly came back into reality and sighed, "but i can't do that," he shook his head and swallowed hard, "i can't hurt her more than i already have." his glossy bloodshot eyes looked up to see that racheal was now gone, but his eyes landed on her.

she had tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. her eyes focused on him as he was slowly breaking in front of her. she stepped closer to him and stopped when there was only a small space between them.

"Shawn," her angelic voice ran through his ears as she placed her small cold hand on his cheek. she wiped away the tear that managed to fall with the pad of her thumb, "i came by to give you this," she dropped her hand to grab the ring out of her pocket and placed it in the palm of his hand.

she slowly closed his hand before looking back up into his eyes, "i love you, but it's time we move on. as much as this is killing me, we both know we can't do this to each other." she was crumbling on the inside as she said the dreaded words.

"y/n," his voice cracked, "i'm sorry. i should of been there for you more, i should of kissed you more passionately, there's so many things i should of done. but most of all, i should of showed you how much i loved you. i took you for granted and i'm so sorry." he looked deeply into her bloodshot eyes and felt his heart break even more seeing her like this.

she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes tightly, "goodbye shawn." she placed a small kiss on his cheek before walking out of the house they once shared.

the clicking of the door closing echoed throughout the house. shawn collapsed onto the cold hardwood floor as he clenched the diamond encrusted engagement ring in his hand.

that was the closure they've been needing.

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