time heals everything.

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the sun beat down on the busy streets of Los Angeles. everyone's in a rush to get to their destination, but the cars stayed still on the highway. the obnoxious car horns rang through my ears as i stared down at my coffee.

my friend and i were sitting outside of a small corner cafe we discovered a few years ago. the black umbrella above us protected him and i from the suns harsh rays as we carried light conversation.

a silence fell over us causing my mind to wander back to the reason we were here. i swirled the ice coffee with the straw and sighed.

"y/n, it's going to be okay." shawn assured as he looked deeply into my eyes with his light brown ones.

"yeah, but it just hurts right now." i said taking in a sharp breath.

"i know, and it's going to be that way for a little while. just remember," he reached his hand across the table and covered my small hang with his large one, "time heals everything, and plus everything happens for a reason."

"i just wish time would speed up just a little." i said smiling a little making the corners of his mouth to curve.

"me too." he said taking his hand off mine to cup his coffee. he looked down as the smile faded from his lips. his brows pushed together as if he was thinking about something.

"what's wrong?" i asked slightly confused at his sudden mood change.

he ran his fingers through his hair and looked over at the now moving cars. he stayed silent for a moment before the words passed his lips.

"i'm in love with you y/n." he shook his head as he spoke before looking back down.

i was caught off guard. i had no idea what to say. why was he just telling me this now? how long has he been in love with me?

i swallowed hard as my brows knitted together, "oh, i-."

"i shouldn't of told you, i'm so sorry." he pushed his chair back as he stood up. i couldn't find the words to stop him as he walked away.

i closed my eyes tightly and leaned forward with my head in my hands.

part 2?

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