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 the bag, that was filled with all of my important belongings, sat in the corner. The plane tickets were tucked underneath the straps, they seemed to be staring at me. i bit my lip and ran my fingers through my hair. 

"babe," shawn's voice ran through my ears as he placed his in the middle of my back, "it's going to work out." he promised before placing a kiss on my forehead. he picked up the bag and carried it out of the house. i took a deep breath before following him out to the car. 

shawn placed his hand on my thigh as he weaved in and out of traffic on the interstate. this was either the worst idea of my life, or the best decision of my life. i wasn't able to handle the life i was currently living, it had all gotten too much. i didn't know that shawn had been feeling that way as well, until i mentioned me leaving. after sleeping on it a few nights, we decided that we should leave together. 

the catch? we didn't tell anyone. 


the warm air welcomed me as i stepped off the plane. you could taste the salt in the air, and the scent of sunblock lingered from miles away. i had always wanted to visit hawaii, and figured this would be the opportunity to do so. 

the scenery was breathtaking, however i couldn't enjoy most of it as we made our way to the hotel. we chose to book a few nights, and see where it goes from there. we were really just going with the flow. once we made it to our room, i began to feel some of the guilt and worry to wash away.  

shawn wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine as we admired the view from our hotel room. the bright blue water crashed onto the sand, the breeze swayed the trees side to side, and for the first time in a long time i felt happy.


we spent the whole day by the water, and then went out for dinner. we seemed to be consumed with one another, and it was like we couldn't get enough of each other. i was beyond exhausted by the time we got back to the room. 

after we showered and got ready for bed, i put on a movie for us to watch. shawn wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him. he kissed me softly, "i love you maisey, so much." he said before kissing me once more.


my eyes fluttered open and was immediately blinded by the sunlight creeping through the blinds. i looked down at shawn's arm wrapped around me as he snored softly, his messy curls covering his forehead messily as he dreamed peacefully. i smiled softly before placing a kiss on his cheek. i carefully got up, making sure not to wake him. 

i took my phone off the charger, only to see the hundreds of notifications i had. 

"oh no." 

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