used to me

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the warmth radiating off his body felt strange against my exposed skin. i swallowed hard as his hand fell to my face. the pads of his thumbs ran across my cheek, his eyes examining my face closely.

"you flinched." he commented softly as his brows furrowed together slightly.

"i-i'm sorry." i said looking down as i felt the heat build up in my cheeks. they had to be bright red now.

"i hope you know i'll never hurt you." he assured as his grip around me loosened.

"i know," i sighed and looked back up to meet his warm brown eyes, "i'm just not use to this. the feeling i get whenever im around you, how gentle your touch is, it's just all new to me." i admitted causing his brows to fall as his lips curved slightly.

"well get use to it baby," his eyes watched his hand flow through my hair, "because im not going anywhere." he assured as his hand fell back to my cheek.

i smiled as he began to lean in. his lips moving with mine caused relief to rush over my body. any worry, negative thought, or bad feeling immediately exited my body.

"that's something i could get use to." i said smiling against his lips.

"really?" he said with a cheerful tone as his hands fell to my waist.

with one swift motion, i was in his arms. i let out a small yelp at the sudden movement. it was followed by a small giggle as i wrapped my legs around his waist and met his lips once again.

my writers block is back and i am struggling...if any of you have a request, message me! i will try my best to get to all of them.

make sure you include:
• idea
•name (if wanted)
•your characteristic (if wanted)


Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now