mornings are the best

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the warm sun peeking in through the blinds shined down on our two bodies. the duvet kept us warm as we held each other. i slowly opened my eyes to see my peaceful boyfriend.

his brown curls were scattered messily over his forehead and all around. his swollen pink plump lips were slightly parted as he snores softly. he had his arm wrapped around my body keeping me close to his muscular frame.

i smiled to myself and placed my head on his chest before tracing my finger down his torso. my finger moved along his defined abs before stopping at the waist band of his boxers.

"why'd you stop?" his raspy voice asked making my heart skip.

i tilted my head back to look up at him. his eyes were still closed, but he had a small smile on his face. "i didn't mean to wake you." i said softly.

"it's okay," he fluttered his eyes revealing his warm brown ones, "i kinda like waking up to you tracing my abs." he said with a smirk.

i laughed a little and nuzzled my head into his neck before closing my eyes again. my head raised with every breath he took. his hand traced small circles on my arm making goosebumps form along my body. i was calm and at peace in his arms.

he suddenly flipped hovering above me. he placed his hands at both sides of my head causing me to laugh a little. i rested my hands on his shoulders as he bent down to kiss me. just before his lips met mine, i rolled out from underneath him.

"sorry babe, but i really need to take a shower." i shrugged before winking. i turned away from him and began walking to the our shared bathroom.

"babe that's not fair," he whined from the other side of the door.

i opened it slightly and poked my head out, "you could always join." i said with a sly smile.

his lips curved up as his eyes lit up, "mornings are the best." he said before hopping out of the bed and joining me.

i have no idea what this is, but um lowkey wouldn't mind having this

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now