the lake •4•

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the cool water surrounded my body. i came up gasping for air. laughs ran through my ears as everyone cheered on the next person.

i opened my eyes to see shawn's legs leaving the cliff as he flipped forward. when his body met the water it caused a huge splash. i rolled my eyes and dove back under the water to find a shallower spot.

the feeling of my body colliding with someone else made me gasp causing me to choke on water. i quickly swam back up to the surface and coughed up the lake freshwater.

my eyes met a pair of icy blue ones. his wet blonde hair covered his forehead before he shook it away. he smiled a bright smile revealing his perfect straight teeth.

"sorry, i didn't see you." i said laughing nervously. i felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

he let out a deep laugh, "it's okay, i'm brad." he said bringing his large hand out from the water and holding it out.

"Y/n," i said sliding my hand into his and smiling.

before he could say anything else i felt something wrap around my legs. i shrieked as i felt my body being thrown. since the water was so shallow i landed on the hard wet sand. i felt something in my foot pop making a sharp pain run up into my leg.

i came up to see shawn laughing hysterically, and brad was no where to be seen. i tried to walk closer to him, but i couldn't move. the pain was growing making me wince.

"wait, are you okay?" shawn asked becoming worried. he pushed his brows together and rushed over to me.

"i'm fine, just go-," i went to step forward but i couldn't hold myself up. i slipped and went back under.

shawn's arms wrapped around me and pulled me up. he lifted me out of the water and began carrying me up to the sand.

"yo!" i heard sam yell.

"what happened?" Jess asked worriedly as she started swimming up.

"holy shi-," before sam could finish i looked down at my foot. it was starting to swell and had a purple bruise forming.

"i'm going to take her back to the house," shawn said shaking his head.

"no, i can walk." i said trying to get out of his arms .

"you couldn't swim, what makes you think you can walk?" he asked raising his brows.

"i can do it." i said confidently.

he sighed and gently placed me down onto the warm sand. i balanced all of my weight onto my left leg before we started walking.

"do you want me to come?" Jess asked.

"um," i looked at sam who was rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he glanced over at him, "no, i'm okay. have fun." i said having her a gentle smile.

once we got away from the lake, i decided i couldn't fake it anymore.

"Shawn," he turned his head towards me and stopped when he noticed i had too.

"i was waiting for you to realize that you can't walk on it," he said scooping me up and throwing my over his shoulder.

i couldn't help but let out a laugh at how effortlessly and smooth he picked me up. i rolled my eyes and hit his back, "i made it up a hill and over hundred of little rocks i don't want to hear it." i said rolling my eyes.

"i'm proud of you." i could hear the sarcasm dripping in his voice.

i scoffed and hit his back again, "it's farther than you could make it."

"y/n, i'm literally carrying you up a hill that's covered with hot pavement with no shoes. not to mention you're not the lightest thing." shawn said slightly annoyed.

"then put me down and take your happy self back down to the cliff, i don't need your help." i said rolling my eyes.

"stop being so damn stubborn." he said coming to a stop.

i realized we were at the lake house. he sat me down gently as he opened the door before placing my arm over his shoulders. i leaned my body weight into him as i limped into the living room.

"i'm going to get you some advil, and something to wrap you're foot. i'll be right back." he said before going into the bathroom.

i sighed and propped my foot up on the table. my spring break was going horribly. i should of just stayed home. that way i would of never sprained my ankle and had to be carried by the person that hates me the most.

he came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water, 2 asprin, and some wrap. i thanked him before taking the medicine.

he sat down in front of me and took my foot in his large hand. i winced as he applied pressure making him look up quickly, "where are you planning on going to college?"

i pushed my brows together in confusion. this was not really the right time to ask me this question, but i answered anyway. "UCLA, why?"

"why do you want to go there?" he asked beginning to wrap my foot.

"well i want to go somewhere that's full of possibilities, and what's a better place than California?" i said making him laugh a little.

"you've always had big dreams." he said with a smile still on his lips.

my heart fluttered a little when he said that. i never thought he really ever paid attention to that.

"thank you." i said once he finished wrapping my foot up.

"it's the least I can do, I mean it is kinda my fault." he said rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugged.

"kinda is." i said laughing a little.

he smiled and began to say, "y/n, i-," he was cut off by the loud laughter and the door slamming shut.

as everyone piled into the living room shawn disappeared. i sighed and shook my head before jess sat down beside me.

the whole time we talked i couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say.

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