coming home

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shawn's pov:

bumpy roads, city lights, and screaming fans were how most of my nights have been going for the past few months now. the same small mattress with one pillow and a scratchy blanket my mom gave me for christmas was the only thing keeping me warm these nights.

it felt strange not feeling her warm lanky body next to mine. it was a feeling i knew i wouldn't get used to. every morning i wake up hoping to see her sleeping peacefully, but it's always the same window showing the passing cars.

i sighed and sat up, running my fingers through my hair as i sighed. i looked over at the picture frame sitting on the night stand. i smiled faintly as picked it up. my arms were wrapped around her as she laughed, the waves rolled in perfectly as the photo was taken. it was my favorite one of us, and the most recent. 6 months ago.

i glanced at the time, 4:30 am. i sat the picture back down before picking up my phone. the bright screen took a while for my eyes to adjust to. i debated on calling her just to hear her voice, but i knew that it was late back home.

3 more shows, 2 which were 3,762 miles from her.

i couldn't take it anymore. i pulled up the contact before pressing call.

your pov:

it was past midnight. i usually would be asleep by now, but the bed was too cold. the tall, sleepy boy that once took up the left side of the bed wasn't here to keep me warm. not to mention, this house doesn't feel safe without him here making it even more difficult to sleep.

the past 6 months have been indescribably difficult, but i knew that it was just one of the things we had to face as a couple. he was living his dream, and as much as i wish i could be there with him, i knew that this was just fine as well. he was happy, and that's all that matters.

only a few more weeks and he would be home.

i awoke to the warm sunlight shining through the blinds. it wasn't the same as waking up to the sleepy, messy curly headed boy. i took a deep breath as i stretched before reaching for my phone.

i pushed my brows together when i noticed i didn't have any notifications from him.

"i thought this might be better than a good morning text." i jumped when i heard his deep familiar voice. i looked up to see his tall figure leaning against the doorway with a bouquet of red roses.

"oh my god." i said feeling as if i was still asleep. there was no way he was actually here, he couldn't be.

i threw the blanket off of me before running to him. he chuckled softly as he stumbled slightly when i wrapped my arms around his body. his cologne welcomed me as he held me tightly.

"you're home." i said pulling away to look up at him.

"i'm home baby." he said cupping my cheek with his hand and wiping the tears from my cheeks with the pad of his thumb. i grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt as i pulled him into kiss me. his lips met mine making me go weak.

and just like that, the feeling of missing him faded as his lips molded together with mine.

ahh finally an update, i know!

alsoooo... "the third wheel," is out now!!!  check it out, give it a vote, and comment if you'd like!

thank you guys so much :)

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