third wheeling •4•

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bryan and tiffany left around 8, so the house was quiet once again. i thought that we would do more things as a group, but to be honest this isn't so bad. hearing the ocean waves crash onto the shore as the moonlight lit everything up was just what i needed.

i needed to get shawn out of my head. i shouldn't be thinking of him this way, i hated him. at least i used to. now i don't know how i feel about him, it's like i just want to be around him even though i know he doesn't want me to be.

i felt a cold raindrop fall down my cheek. i looked up to see the clouds starting to form in the dark night sky signaling that it was time for me to head back. i gathered all my things and tried to out run the rain, unfortunately i got completely drenched.

"you know the showers are only used to wash the sand off right?" shawn said with a mouthful of chips as i walked inside.

"shut up." i said annoyed and shivering. a loud rumble of thunder shook the house making me flinch. great. a thunderstorm, literally the thing i hate the most.

"i'll go get you a towel." he said placing his snack down on the table and walking upstairs. i stood there awkwardly until he came back. the lights began to flicker as he handed me the fresh towel.

"i wouldn't take a shower right now, just wait until the storm is over." shawn advised before making his way back to the kitchen.

i just nodded and walked up to my room. i grabbed an old t-shirt and shorts before quickly changing. i brushed the knots out of my tangled hair before going back to the kitchen.

shawn was sitting in the living room watching whatever tv show he was obsessed with this week. i decided to join him. i didn't want to be alone with the storm going on anyway.

"why are you sitting all the way over there?" shawn asked with a small chuckle. i had chose to sit in the recliner beside the couch. i thought it would be weird if i sat down beside him.

"oh- i," before i could finish my sentence the power went out leaving us in complete darkness. i cursed under my breath before standing up.

"i'll go look for candles." i said trying to find my way out of the living room. of course i would leave my phone upstairs, great.

i collided with something making me bounce back and sigh. "you have no sense of direction." shawn said laughing softly as he stepped closer. i felt my breath catch in my throat as i felt his fingers wrap around my wrists. "here." he slipped his phone in my hand before turning on the flashlight.

"thanks." i said giving a faint smile as he let his grip loosen.

i searched everywhere and there was nothing but empty cabinets. i decided to check bryan and tiffany's room since it was considered the 'suite' of the house, there had to be candles there. i rummaged through the nightstands and cabinets, and finally found them buried under extra towels in the bathroom.

shawn was sitting on the kitchen counter playing with an old lighter when i walked downstairs. he looked up and smiled when he saw the candles.

"good job." he said taking them from my hands and beginning to light them.

while he did that, i grabbed two wine glasses and the old bottle of red wine. tiffany had it for a while and decided this would be a good time to bring it. thankfully she was right.

"thank you." shawn said taking the glass from my hand and taking a sip. it wasn't the best, but it would do the job.

"i should probably call and check on tiffany." i said becoming slightly panicked.

"i've already tried, there's absolutely no service." shawn sighed.

lighting struck lighting up the house for a split second until thunder roared once again. i closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

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