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soft music flowed from the static filled speakers as his eyes looked into mine. i felt a smile creep onto my face as he took my hand in his. we moved to the beat of the music before his eyes got distracted.

"what's that?" he asked nodding his head towards the old notebook. my eyes widened slightly before i tried to cover it up.

"oh nothing, just an old notebook for school." i tried my best, but he could read me like a book. he smirked slightly before making his way over to it.

he laid back on my bed and let out a sigh before flipping the torn cover open. i tried my best to get it out of his grip, but he was way stronger than me
making it a bit difficult.

"you act like you have a hit list in here." he said holding it way above me so i couldn't reach it.

"who knows, i might." i shrugged nonchalantly as i tried to balance my self on the bed to grab it. he quickly pulled it back down making me sigh and place my hands on my hips, "keep it up and you'll be first on the list."

he chuckled slightly before flipping through a few pages. i decided to just give up, there wasn't anything that bad in it. well that i could remember anyway.

i watched as his eyes skimmed through the lines, his brows pushed together as he concentrated. i bit my lip when i felt a blush rush to my cheeks.

"woah, these are amazing y/n."  he said slightly shocked.

"they are really old, and most of them i probably didn't even come up with." i shrugged as i fumbled with the strings on my comforter.

"are any of these about people?" he asked as he placed it down beside him.

"yeah, i believe so." i said knowing good and well that i could probably name exactly who each one was about.

"are there any about me?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"no, and i hope there never will be." i mumbled slightly as i looked down.

"why's that?" he asked placing his finger under my chin and tilting my head back slightly.

"because that would mean you broke my heart." i admitted.

his hand found its way to mine before he spoke, "darling, most of my songs are about you because you showed me what love is. instead of writing poetry about pain, try writing about your joy."

i smiled softly before placing a kiss on his lips, "i could write an entire book about the joy you bring me."

"who do you think the new album is about?" he asked with a smirk as he pulled me onto his lap.

didn't really know how to finish this, but i wanted something a little lighter and sweet ;)

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