"i would never,"

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the door slammed echoing throughout the house. anger was boiling through my veins as the words poured from my lips. his loud words followed mine.

"she was all over you, and you kept leading it on!" i yelled as i turned on my heel to face him.

he pushed his brows together, "we were keeping small talk while we waited for you to come back with josh." he said raising his voice slightly.

"oh please," i scoffed, "her leaning into you and whispering stuff in your ear was not small talk." i rolled my eyes before making my way up the stairs to our bedroom.

"you were the one that disappeared for 30 minutes with josh. getting 2 drinks does not take half an hour." shawn said entering the bedroom.

i turned away from the mirror and met his eyes. they were dark and full of frustration. "the line was all the way to the dance floor, and there was only one bartender. i'm sorry i'm not you and can cut in line."

he ran his fingers through his hair as he turned around. he suddenly spun back around and lifted his hand. i flinched causing him to cut off whatever he was about to say. his eyes slowly softened as he stepped closer to me.

"did you-," he pushed his brows together, "did you think i was going to hit you." his once loud and stern voice was now soft as gentle.

i slowly nodded as i looked down. "baby," he placed his fingers underneath my chin to make me look up at him, "i would never hurt you." he assured before wrapping his arms around my body.

i hugged him back and rested my head against his chest as he held me close. "i couldn't even imagine harming you, i love you. only you." he said running his fingers through my hair soothingly.

i nodded and squeezed him tighter as i blinked away tears along with the flashbacks of the pain my ex inflicted on me.

"i love you too." i said in almost a whisper.

literally every imagine book involves one like this, but i wanted to make it also 🤷‍♀️

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