beach days

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ocean waves crashed onto the shore. warm salty air brushed across my skin causing me to close my eyes. shawn's hands ran through my hair as i pressed my back against his exposed chest.

"i wish we could just stay here forever." i said softly before leaning back to look at him.

"me too." his brown eyes met mine as his hand fell to my back, rubbing small circles. he bent down to place a kiss on my lips, causing me to smile half way between.

his arm wrapped around my waist, and he stood up abruptly. i giggled loudly as he picked me up as well, his other hand quickly holding up my legs.

"shawn, if you throw me in the water, so help me god!" i yelled as he ran out to the water.

"what are you gonna do?" he asked raising a brow as he stopped right where the water met the sand.

"you don't want to find out." i said squinting my eyes slightly before demanding to be put down.

"okay," he shrugged causing my body to fall into the cool water. i came up gasping for air, and wiping the saltiness from my eyes.

"oh you're dead!" i yelled as i swam closer to him.

"you told me to put you down!" he tried to yell innocently.

nice try. i went back under the water and swam underneath him, i swept his feet out from under him causing his tall figure to fall into the water. i laughed loudly and swam away from him.

i smiled as he came back up with an annoyed look. he made his way over to me as i tried to stomach my laughs. his hands met my hips causing me to slowly stop laughing, his eyes met mine causing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

"are we even now?" he asked me tilting his head slightly.

"i suppose." i sighed as i leaned my head back allowing the water to wet my hair.

"good," he used his hand to pull me up closer to him. his warm lips met mine, causing the salty taste to mix with mint. i pulled him closer to deepen the kiss.

"there's one problem though," he said pulling away with a serious expression.

"what?" i asked confused, pushing my brows together.

"i hate being even." he said with a smirk before dunking me under the water once again.

on second thought, i don't want to stay here forever.

"shawn!" i yelled over his laughs.

he better be glad i love him.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now