only you

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"he's just a friend Shawn!" i said throwing my hands up frustrated.

"don't give me that bullshit, you were flirting with him right in front of me." shawn said pushing past me up the stairs.

"no i wasn't." i followed up the stairs and into our shared bedroom.

"oh please," he rolled his eyes, "you were laughing at his jokes and all over him all night." he argued.

"all i did was laugh at one of his jokes! i wasn't even near him all night. i was standing by your side throughout the whole party." i said my raising my voice. i couldn't believe that he was making such a big deal about me hanging out with a guy.

it wasn't like i was flirting or playing tonsil hockey with him. i was just have a genuine conversation with someone other than Shawn's friends. now shawn sparked a fight because of it.

"whatever i'm going to sleep." he grabbed the gray velvet throw blanket and walked out of the bedroom. i sighed as the sound of the stairs creaking echoed throughout the room.

i hated when shawn and i went to bed mad at each other, especially when we didn't even sleep in the same bed. i pulled back the comforter revealing the black silky sheets and climbed into bed. i turned on my side and looked out the window.

rain started to pound against the windowpane and the wind started to pick up. the dark room was lit up by lightning which was followed by a loud rumble. i closed my eyes tightly due to the loud noise and held the blanket close to me. i hated thunderstorms, they terrify me.

thunder rumbled again shaking the whole house. i took a deep breath and turned away from the window. i tried to fall asleep but it was impossible with the lightning strikes and loud noises.

"megi," shawn's sleepy voice ran through my ears, i opened my eyes to see him standing in the doorway with a pitiful look on his face, "I'm sorry. I overreacted." He confessed lightning struck making him more visible.

I sighed and said, "just lay down beside me."

i should be mad at shawn for overreacting and causing a fight over nothing, but i didn't really care at the moment. i just wanted him to hold me right now. he laid down on his side of the bed and turned to wrap his arms around me. shawn pulled me close to him and placed a kiss on my forehead. a rumble of thunder made me jump causing him to laugh a little.

"the storm will be over soon." he said softly as he rubbed circles on my back.

"shawn i love you," i said tilting my head up to look at him, "only you." he cupped my cheeks before kissing me passionately.

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