nothing we can't handle •2•

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"oh my-," his brown eyes shot up to mine making my heart seem to flip rapidly in my chest. his hair had gotten much longer and gained more curls, his skin wasn't as pale, but his cheeks still had their usual pink tint. his shirt cling tightly to his body defining his muscular figure. he was absolutely soaked from the pouring rain making my chest ache even more.

"we need to talk." he said as he breathed heavily.

"shawn, you shouldn't be here."  i said shaking my head before attempting to close the door. he raised his arm to stop it from shutting in his face making me look into his now bloodshot eyes. my heart ached at the sight of him causing me to let him in the dark and warm house. 

"wow," he said with an amused smile as his eyes scanned the home, "nothing has changed."  

"a lot has changed." i said crossing my arms over my chest. the smile faded from his face before he cleared his throat. the tension between us could be felt miles away, and unfortunately the silence made it even more obvious.   

"why did you do it y/n?" his question caught me off guard and made my stomach turn. i shook my head before motioning for him to follow me. i led him into the living room, and sat down on the couch. he was hesitant to sit down beside me, but after conflicting with his thoughts he did. 

"i knew your career was going to take off shawn. i always told you that you were destined for greatness, and that your dream was going to become so much more than you thought it would. i also knew that being in a relationship was going to prevent you from getting the entire experience, and just wouldn't mix well with it all." i tried to explain, but i saw the hatred in his eyes slowly become stronger. 

"that's such bullshit," he spat making my face soften as the tears stinging in my eyes threatened to spill, "me and you," he motioned between us as he furrowed his brows together and shook his head, "we were meant to be. we had been through so much, and we never broke. however, when things got just a little more complicated you decided to just give up instead of trying to figure it out. you chose to do what was best for you, not me." i looked away from his angry stamina and swallowed hard.

he was right. what i did was selfish, and i knew that. it was part of the reason why i had been beating myself up so much. i also knew that i would never get him back, and that killed me. i missed being his and being able to kiss him and comfort him when things got hard.  this was all my fault. 

"shawn, i'm sorry. if i could take it all back, i would. i should have just talked to you instead of leaving things that way. you have no idea how much i've missed you, and wish things could just go back to how they were." i said as i held back my sobs. 

he stayed quiet for a few moments before placing his hand on my thigh making my heart race. his eyes bored into mine as his thoughts raced in his mind. he brought his large and warm hand to my cheek, and wiped away my tears using the pad of his thumb. his eyes flickered from my own to my lips as he slowly leaned in making happiness flow through my veins along with relief. 

his lips met mine, and the feeling i knew all to well rushed back to me making me crave even more. i kissed back with passion making the kiss even deeper. i slowly pulled away once i needed a breath. his eyes searched mine for a response as he seemed a little worried. 

"i love you." i breathed out causing him to smile. 

"i knew there was nothing we couldn't handle." he said before pulling me back into him. 

if things are meant to be, they will always find their way. 

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now