third wheeling

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"no, i said make a right." my best friend argued as she shook her head.

"no, you said left." bryan argued back as he turned into an abandoned parking lot.

"y/n?" they both looked at me for a response catching me off guard.

"oh, um-," i stuttered. i totally wasn't paying attention i was more focused on the brown eyed boy beside me.

"you said right." he spoke up making tiffany sit back in her seat as she shot a glare at bryan. he just rolled his eyes and got back on the road.

it was a friday afternoon, and i had managed to be dragged on a beach trip with them. i guess tiffany forgot to mention that shawn would be tagging along as well. i wouldn't of come if i knew, which is probably why she didn't tell me.

i hated shawn. i hated that his ego was bigger than his head, and that every girl fell at his feet and then just get played. i promised myself i would never be one of those girls.

"i'm starving." tiffany said as we passed by a taco bell.

"i'm not turning around, we'll stop at the next restaurant." bryan said as he weaved in and out of traffic.

my stomach growled, but i knew that i didn't have enough money to get any food right now. i took my phone out of my pocket and texted tiffany.

to tiffany- i don't really have that much cash

bryan pulled into a mcdonald's drive thru and we all ordered. shawn slid bryan his credit card, and insisted that he paid for everyone. i felt relief wash over me.

once we all ate, we were back on the road and listening to bryan's awful metal music and tiffany's bickering. this was going to be a long ride.

new mini series, stay tuned ;)

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