that is what love is to me.

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-lowercase intended

the cool crisp autumn air brushed through out my hair. it was a gloomy sunday afternoon in toronto. it was how must of fall looked in canada. the sky is gray with no clouds and just barely enough sunlight, the once green leaves are now orange or red, and the air turned my cheeks a rosy tone but i didn't mind.

"i love it up here, it's just so calm and relaxing." my best friend shawn said looking out at the passing cars.

"yeah," i said sighing as i looked at my chipped nail polish.

"Are you okay?" He asked turning his head to look at me with his warm brown eyes.

i cleared my throat and wiped my palms on my jeans, "Yeah, I'm fine." I shrugged and took a deep breath.

"No you're not. In case you forgot I know you like the back of my hand, which means I know you suck at lying." He said smiling a little.

I shook my head and laughed a little. i took my eyes off of the tall buildings and met his, "it's just," i pushed my brows together and shook my head, "what is love to you?" i asked.

his facial expression changed to confusion, "i never really thought about it," his eyes left mine and examined the small weeds growing from the moist ground, "what about you?"

"i don't know," i shrugged and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "i guess love to me is you just can't get enough of someone. it's like your addicted to them. you always want to be with them or talk to them. love is when you know for sure that you would do anything for them. that is what love is to me." i explained.

a strange silence fell over shawn and i. the only thing that could be heard was the crickets chirping and the leaves rustling whenever the wind blew.

"y/n," he finally said making my attention turn towards him. my eyes met his as he leaned in closer. my breathing hitched when he brought his hand to my cheek. he looked up from my lips as if he was asking for permission with his chocolate colored eyes. i nodded slightly causing his lips to meet mine. the feeling of his warm plump lips moving with mine sent fireworks off in my body. my heart was pounding faster than ever. it was a feeling i never wanted to end.

we both pulled away, a blush was evident on my cheeks. he pushed a hair that had fallen in front of my face behind my ear before saying, "that is what love is to me."

this took me three days to write and I'm still disappointed in it 😂

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