"you can't make your heart love someone."

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don't know what's worse, breaking someone's heart or being heartbroken.

i wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans as i let out a shaky breath.

"well do you love him?" his brown eyes were full of anticipation and confusion.

the rain drops falling on the windshield echoed loudly throughout the car. the song, "chasing cars," played softly from the speakers.

"well, i... i don't really know." i pushed my brows together in confusion. i shook my head as i looked down at my chipped nail polish.

"it's a simple question y/n. you either love him or you don't." he said rolling his eyes and turning his attention back to the sun set.

"it's not that simple." i said looking up to see his jaw clenched and him focusing on something in the distance.

"then answer this," he licked his lips and took a deep breath, "do you feel the same with him as you do with me." his warm coffee colored eyes finally met mine making me look away quickly.

when i didn't answer he said, "you can't make your heart love someone y/n. quit lying to yourself." he jumped up and wiped his hands on his jeans before walking off.

i took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly as my hand found the door handle. i opened my eyes and the door before getting out of the car. i walked up to the wooden door. my fist collided with the door when i knocked softly. after a few seconds of standing on the porch the door swung open.

"y/n? what are you doing-," i cut his confusion off.

"it's you. you're the one i love, and the one my heart wants. ." the words rolled off my tongue without any hesitation. he was quiet for a few seconds so i continued, "i'm sorry that I was so indecisive. it wasn't fair to you, it also wasn't fair to make you wait." i could feel the heat rising in my cheeks and my heart beating rapidly.

he stepped out closing the door behind him. his tall figure toward over me as he stood a few inches away from me. his warm hands cupped my cold cheeks making me look up into his eyes. "you were worth the wait." He said resting his forehead against mine. my lips curved into a smile, my hands wrapped around his wrist. he crashed his lips onto mine making me melt. our mouths moved in sync as he kissed me passionately.

the heart wants what it wants.

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now