the lake •3•

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"i brought you back some breakfast," jess said setting the styrofoam takeout box on the counter.

"thank you." i said taking my damp hair out of the bun.

after the hot tub incident, i took a shower. shawn came in not too long after me and took and shower in the upstairs bathroom. we haven't spoke a word to each other since.

"i'm surprised you two didn't kill each other while we were gone." jess said giving me a small smile.

"i saved her from drowning." shawn said walking into the kitchen with a grin.

"oh don't act like you're a hero," i said shooting him a glare before turning back to Jess, "he caught me before i hit the bottom of the hot tub." i explained.

"oh," she raised her eyebrows and looked over at shawn, "i see."

i rolled my eyes and opened up the to-go box. i just wanted to eat and forget the whole encounter. i knew Jess wouldn't allow that, but for now i'm going to enjoy these buttery and syrup covered pancakes.

i leaned back into the couch and propped my feet up on the table. i opened up the book and began to get lost in the words. that was until i was interrupted by shawn's obnoxious chewing.

"seriously?" i asked raising an eyebrow.

"what?" he asked with a mouthful of cheez-its, his brows pushed together in confusion.

i just shook my head and sighed before hopping up. i sat the book down on the table and walked into the bedroom.

"his lips fell to my neck causing me to-," my cheeks turned bright red as i realized what he was reading.

"Shawn," i looked away from my bathing suit to see him leaning against the doorway with a smirk. he opened his mouth to keep reading, but i quickly stopped him, "Shawn Peter Raul Mendes if you don't stop I swear I will-," he laughed and shook his head.

"what? Fall into my arms again?" he asked before tossing the book down on the bed.

i huffed as he walked out. why did i always let him get to me?

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