third wheeling •3•

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my eyes fluttered open to see the moonlight shining through the blinds. i rubbed the sleep from my eyes as i sat up from the cozy bed. the alarm clock beside me flashed the numbers, '9:45 pm.'

i sighed and threw the blanket off of me before making my way downstairs. i heard laughs coming from the tv in the living room. i just figured it was tiffany and bryan, and continued to find the fridge.

"i was starting to think you died." i jumped when i heard his deep voice. i turned around to see shawn sitting on the barstool as he leaned against his crossed arms.

"unfortunately no." i mumbled before turning back around to grab the milk.

"tiffany wanted me to let you know that we're all going to get breakfast in the morning." shawn said making my stomach drop once again.

"oh, um okay." i said nodding my head as i poured a bowl full of cereal. "i might just stay here, i'm not really much of a breakfast food person."

"right," he said nodding his head as he slid off the stool, "that bowl of cereal says differently." he said walking closer to me.

i rolled my eyes and opened the drawer to get a spoon. i tried to ignore shawn's gaze on me, but it was difficult. my body burned under his eyes, or maybe it was just the sunburn i got earlier. at least that's what i'll tell myself.

"y/n," his voice was in a soft whisper, "i know you left your credit card and were too scared to tell bryan."

my eyes widened slightly. how did he know? great. now he definitely won't let this one go.

"please don't tell them, it's so embarrassing and now i can't even pay for half of my stuff because i have zero cash and i just-," shawn cut my rambling off with a small chuckle.

"y/n, relax. i'll cover you." he shrugged as his honey colored orbs met mine.

i swallowed hard and nodded slightly, "okay, i'll just pay you back when we get home." i said more to myself than him.

why was he being so nice? something has gotten into him, and to be honest it was kind of nice. i just wonder how long he'll actually keep it up.

after shawn and i's little interaction last night, he hasn't spoken a word to me. the whole way to the restaurant was just the music on the radio. even bryan and tiffany weren't talking, it was beyond awkward.

we pulled into a small buffet type restaurant that wasn't too busy. a waitress with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes showed us to our table, but never looked away from shawn. she was practically drooling over him.

i rolled my eyes and slid in the booth. shawn sat next to me, i pushed my brows together and looked up at tiffany who seemed to be just as confused.

"and for you?" the waitress raised an eyebrow and shifted onto her leg.

"water." i said dryly leaning forward in my seat. she nodded before walking away, making sure to swing her hips in the process.

"seems like somebody has a crush." bryan said with a smirk  getting a small chuckle from tiffany.

my eyes widened and i swallowed hard as i rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans. "oh, i don't think so." i said chuckling nervously.

"oh please, that waitress was totally checking shawn out." tiffany said making me feel relieved.

wait what just happened? why did i act like that? why was i so nervous? why am i still talking to myself?

"i'll be right back." i said awkwardly before making shawn get up so i could go to the bathroom. i took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. my cheeks were now red, and my hair was slightly frizzy. i sighed and leaned against the wall.

my mind wandered to shawn and a warm fuzzy feeling erupted through my body. i mentally cursed at myself, i can't believe i've let this happen. i also can't believe that i believe i have a chance with him. girls like me, and guys like him? not in a million years. the waitress has a better shot than i do.

"that was really good." tiffany said as we walked out. shawn had managed to pay for me and himself without anyone noticing, which i thought was sweet. i knew he was just being nice and it didn't mean anything else.

"oh before i forget, tiffany and i are going to this club downtown tonight. you guys are more than welcome
to come, but i know shawn isn't much of a partier." bryan said patting him on the back.

"oh yeah," shawn cleared his throat awkwardly, "i'm not, but y/n you could go." he said with a small smirk.

i shot him a death glare before putting on a small smile, "i would, but i've kind of been looking forward to a night on the beach." wow great excuse.

"oh well then i guess it's just me and you." tiffany said with her million dollar smile.

"i guess it's just me and you." shawn said in almost a whisper as he opened his car door making my heart race.

this is not okay.

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