something else •2•

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rain pounded against my windshield as i came to a stop at a red light. i let out a sigh as i leaned my head on the headrest. i tried to shake shawn's repeating words from my mind, but it was useless.

the hardest part was him being right. i've felt this way for months, but i thought it was just a phase. i thought i would get over it, i had no reason to feel this way.

he was a perfect guy. he's never cheated on me, he's never hit me, he's never even raised his voice at me. there was nothing that set this off.

somewhere during the span of our relationship, we forgot to make the little things count. we stopped going on dates, we stopped making sure the other one was comfortable, and we just brushed our problems off.

the light turned green, breaking me out of my thoughts. i only had two more turns until i had to face him. i needed to tell him this. it wasn't fair to either of us if i kept on going without admitting any of this.

i pulled my hoodie over my head and made my way into the house. the scent of warm vanilla with a hint of jax's cologne filled my nose. my heart immediately fell to my feet just from his scent.

"hey baby." his deep voice rang in my ears as he snuck up behind me. his muscular arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"hey." i breathed out softly as i closed my eyes.

"this isn't my best friend." shawn's pain flashed in my mind causing me to break free of jax's grip. he looked confused for a second, but just brushed it off.

"i was gonna order us some food, i'm starving." he said pulling his phone out of his pocket as he followed me to the kitchen.

"uh, i already ate. just get whatever you want." i shrugged as i opened the fridge for a water.

i could feel his eyes burning a hole into me. he knew something was up, i would have to come clean now.
i turned on my heel to face him. his icy blue eyes immediately met mine causing me to swallow hard.

"we need to talk," i croaked out as i stepped closer to him. he rubbed the back of his neck nervously before giving me a slight nod, "recently i've been thinking..." he looked down at his shoes causing my sentence to break off.

"look, y/n i knew this would happen eventually." he stepped closer as he spoke.

my brows furrowed together in confusion, "what do you mean?" i asked as he placed his hand on my waist.

"i knew that if you kept spending so much time with shawn, you would start questioning our relationship. that's why i can't stand the guy." his words left his lips with ease as he tried to lean down closer to me.

i shook my head as i processed his statement. i slowly backed away from his tall figure as i spoke, "this has nothing to do with him." i said firmly, crossing my arms over my chest.

he rolled his eyes and leaned up against the fridge, "come on y/n, i'm not stupid. i see how he looks at you, and what he wants from you. i know he's responsible for what you're feeling right now." he shrugged it off as he spoke.

i scoffed and looked back at him in disbelief, "are you serious?" i ran my fingers through my hair, "shawn has never said or done anything to disrespect our relationship. we've been having problems way before shawn came back into the picture, you just never wanted to talk about them."

he stayed silent for a second as he processed my words. he slowly shook his head, "you're still defending him."

i tossed my head back in disbelief. he only heard shawn's name, and ran with that. i waited for him to take it back, to make it better, but he just stood there.

"i'm done. we're done," i motioned between us with my hands as i shook my head, "goodbye jax." i pushed past him and walked right out to my car.

i didn't feel sad, angry, upset. i felt relief. any smooth of guilt i had just a few minutes ago had completely vanished. i felt free.

i kept driving and driving until i realized where i ended up. the place that i knew i could always run to.

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