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okay, so as much as i strongly dislike jake Paul, i so tana's video that he was in and it kinda showed a new lovey dovey side that i

i was awoken by the buzzing of my phone on the nightstand. i squinted from the bright light as i tried to read the caller id. when i noticed it was from my boyfriend, Shawn, i quickly answered.

"hey," i said trying not to sound like i just woke up.

"hey baby, sorry if i woke you. i just really needed to hear your voice." he said making my heart flutter.

"what's wrong?" i asked concerned.

"i'm just really worried about the interview tomorrow, they are going to ask really personal questions. i don't want to say too much." he said stress laced in his steady tone.

"well, just be honest. if the questions are too personal, then just say you don't want to say yet, or just beat around it." i told him as i rubbed my eyes to try to stay awake.

he sighed before saying, "okay, now how's everything at home?"

i could tell he was trying to change the topic to ease his nerves. "everything's good, your mom came by today to have lunch. she said that Aaliyah is doing great on the hockey team, and won their first game." i told him.

"well she did learn from the best." shawn said cockily.

i laughed a little and said, "she sure did."

"when i get home i'll teach you some of my best moves." i could hear the smirk in his voice.

"we'll see about that." i said making him laugh softly.

he was quiet for a few seconds and then said, "i miss you so much."

"i miss you too, but we don't have that long. just one more month." i said trying to convince myself that i could make it 30 more days.

"yeah," he sighed, "one more month."

the next morning, i was exhausted from staying up on the phone. i didn't mind it though.

i walked downstairs and grabbed a snack before walking into the living room. i sat down on the couch and turned on the tv to watch Shawn's interview.

after a performance from why don't we, and a few commercials shawn was finally on the screen. he was wearing a white button down shirt and black jeans. his messy curls were styled perfectly, and his lips were curved into his perfect smile.

my heart raced as the interviewer welcomed him. she was a tan blonde with red lipstick. her shirt was unbuttoned enough to make her cleavage more than noticeable.

"so shawn, how has the world tour been the past couple of months?" she asked once the crowd died down.

"it's been amazing. performing every night can be tiring, but the fans that support me and sing every song with me make everything worth it." he worded it perfectly.

i smiled at his response and felt somewhat at ease, well that was until the question she asked close to the end.

"so, rumors have been going around that you're not single anymore." She said raising an eyebrow and smiling.

he rubbed his palms on his pants nervously and laughed a little, "well,"

i gasped and quickly turned up the volume.

"the rumors are true. i have a beautiful girlfriend that is probably watching this right now and is going to kill me when i get home," the crowd laughed before he continued, "she's amazing."

"well, you heard it here first. Shawn Mendes is no longer available sorry ladies."

the zoomed out as a current pop song played as the interviewer hugged shawn before he waved at the crowd and walked off the stage.

a few minutes later my phone rang.

"i'm so sorry, i just let it slip i was nervous-,"

i cut his rambling off with a soft laugh, "Shawn, i love you."

he sighed a breath of relief, "i love you too, I'll see you soon." he promised.

yikes, i didn't know how to finish this and I'm not a huge fan of this one.

sorry i haven't updated in a while, a lot has been going on and I've need to focus on my mental health , but I'm back! hopefully i can upload better imagines and update books more.

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