the lake •5•

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the moonlight was shining into the room lighting up shawn and i's body's underneath the blanket. i tossed and turned in the silky sheets. my mind was racing with thoughts that made my heart race.

why can't i get shawn off my mind?

i hate him.

all of his snarky remarks, his gaze that follows me from across the room, his plump lips that curve into a smirk.

i rolled over on my side and faced shawn. his brown eyes were hidden, but a small smile formed on his lips taking me by surprise.

"i really hope you get situated soon." he mumbled.

"i can't sleep." i said softly.

"i can tell." he said turning over on his back as he rubbed his eyes.

i sighed and pulled the covers off of me before swinging my legs over the side of the bed. i stood up and began walking towards the door.

"where are you going?" he asked causing me to stop and turn around. his arm was placed underneath his head as he studied me. i suddenly felt really self-conscious when i realized i was wearing really short shorts and an old tank top.

"i'm going to get something to drink," i said turning away quickly to open the door.

the whole house was quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the crickets chirping. i tried my best not to make noise while i opened the refrigerator door.

the light from the fridge was the only thing lighting up the kitchen. which is why i jumped when i realized shawn was standing beside me.

"you can't just sneak up on someone like that." i said hitting his chest before twisting the top off the Gatorade.

he laughed a little as he bent down to also get a drink. i lifted myself up onto the counter making sure i didn't use my hurt foot and continued to sip the drink along with Shawn.

"i remember coming here with Sam when we were kids." shawn said leaning his back against the counter beside me.

shawn and sam have always been close. i don't know why i was so surprised to see shawn now that i think about it. i should have known he would come on this trip.

"we used to go to this trail that led to the lake, we thought we were so cool because no one really knew about it." he said smiling at the memory.

"where is this secret trail?" i asked putting the lid back on the drink.

"well if i told you, it wouldn't be a secret now would it?" he asked turning his heard towards me and raising an eyebrow.

i rolled my eyes making him smile, "i'll just have to show you."

"it's supposed to rain tomorrow." i said pushing my brows together.

"then i guess i'll just have to show you now." he said shrugging as he tightened the cap on his drink.

"it's 3 in the morning shawn." i said shaking my head.

"so? we have flashlights for a reason." he shrugged.

"okay, but if we get mauled by a bear you're the first to go." i said hopping off the counter and landing on my left foot before following him to the door.

"oh please, everyone knows the crippled one goes first." he said smiling a little as he opened the door.

shawn turned on his flashlight and stayed close beside me as i limped down the dirt road. grass covered most of the trail and the cool night air made me shiver.

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