third wheeling •2•

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we pulled into a neighborhood full of the most amazing beach houses i've ever seen. expensive cars and golf carts filled the streets and driveways to every home.

"this is it." bryan said pulling into a house that was right on the beach. it was white with black shutters and staircase. it was huge, their had to be at least 6 rooms.

we grabbed all of our luggage before walking into the home. the smell of salt and vanilla lingered through the cold house making me shiver. three keys were placed on the kitchen table with a note explaining where the pool and golf cart key was.

"the room at the very end of the hall is ours, but the others are whoever gets it first." tiffany said as she leaned against bryan.

i nodded before making my way up the stairs and wandering to the rooms. the first room was of course beach themed and had seashells and lighthouse decor everywhere. the second room was perfect, it had a queen bed and a bathroom as well.

just as i was setting my bag down, shawn barged in with a smirk. "i'm calling dibs."

"too late, i've already put my stuff down." i said sighing as i placed my hands on my hips.

"but i called dibs, therefore it's mine." he said placing his bag on mine.

"no, that's not how it works. there's another room that is perfectly fine." i said shoving his bag off.

"but this one has a bathroom, and doesn't look like an old woman's house." he said sighing.

"too bad, i suggest you take the old woman's room or sleep on the couch." i said pulling my bathing suit out of my bag. shawn's eyes widened slightly before he cleared his throat.

"fine, but i'll be using your bathroom." he said throwing his bag over his shoulder before walking out.

i shook my head and quickly changed into my bikini. i was not going to sit in here, and not spend time on the beach. especially after being cooped up in the car for that long. i needed some fresh air.

"where are you going?" shawn asked peeking his head out of his bedroom.

"hell, you coming?" i asked with a small smile.

"funny, where are you actually?" he asked leaning against the doorframe.

"not that it's any of your business, but the beach." i said crossing my arms over my chest.

"by yourself?" he asked raising a brow slightly.

"yeah, i'm not going with the two love birds downstairs." i said slightly annoyed at his questions.

"aw is someone upset they don't have anyone?" shawn asked with an amused smile.

"asking yourself that question?" i asked crossing my arms over my chest and raising a brow.

he rolled his eyes before walking away. i smiled to myself before going back downstairs. bryan and tiffany were gone, and so was the car. i grabbed the key to the private access and walked out.

i'm sure as hell not going to stay in the house alone with shawn. that would never end well. it would be completely silent or filled with yelling, there's no in between.

i shook him out of my head and laid out under the sun. the waves crashing onto the shore made me feel peace and happiness for the first time in a while. i could hear the faint conversations coming from the families besides me, but i just drowned it out along with my thoughts.

"where the hell have you been?" shawn asked with wide eyes and messy brown curls.

"i told you i was going to the beach." i said pushing my brows together in confusion.

"for three hours?!" he asked raising his voice slightly.

"first of all, you're not my dad so quit yelling. second of all why does it matter?" i asked beyond confused at shawns behavior.

"bryan and tiffany still aren't back, and then you disappeared and i couldn't get ahold of you so i didn't know what happened." shawn said running his large hands over his face.

i felt my body relax slightly as i watched his worry expression slowly turn into the relief. why was he acting so concerned? what has gotten into him?

"i'm sorry, i left my phone here." i said trying to act less confused.

"yeah, that's smart. go to the beach by yourself wearing that and leave your phone." he said harshly.

"i'm sorry, 'wearing that?'" i asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"i didn't mean it like that, it's just that you, well you know, you're-," he stumbled over his words making him even more frustrated, "nevermind." he said shaking his head before walking back upstairs. 

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