scrapped knee

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"psh," my best friend rolled her eyes and smiled, "i am ten times faster than you." she said bending down to tie the laces on her shoes.

"as if." i scoffed as i stretched my arms over my head. my eyes looked away from amanda to see the tall brunette that made anger run through my veins. i sighed and shook my head before looking down at the smooth pavement.

"alright," she jumped up and gave me a daring look, "let's do this."

we both wanted to settle this argument once and for all, so we decided to race down my street. it was finally time to see who was the fastest. we counted down to three and then took off.

i got a head start, so i was ahead of her. that was until i tripped over my own two feet. my body collided with the gravel. a stinging pain throbbed throughout my knee and plans. i sucked in a deep breath and tried to get up.

"oh my god," Amanda stopped and busted out laughing, "are you okay?" She managed to ask through her laughs.

i rolled my eyes and took her hand that she offered. instead of helping her up, i pulled her down beside me.

"looks like you just ate the gravel." i looked up to meet the all too familiar brown eyes. i looked away and rolled my eyes as i focused on my bleeding knee.

amanda's phone started ringing causing her to answer.

"hello?" her lips curved into a smile, and a blush creeped onto her cheeks. i knew she was talking to Anthony.

"um," she looked over at me before cupping her hand over the speaker, "anthony wants to hang out, but i can stay and help with your knee."

i shook my head, "no, go. i'm fine, it's just a little cut." i shrugged and tried to force a smile as the burning pain grew.

"you're the best." and with that she hopped up and continued talking before heading off.

"you might want to get up before you get hit by a car." shawn said reminding me he was still here.

i sighed and tried to get up on my feet, but the pain only got worse. i almost fell back down, but before i could hit the ground shawn caught me. i looked up to see his eyes full of concern and a darker shade of pink on his cheeks.

he cleared his throat before letting go off me, "we should get that cleaned up."

i just nodded and swallowed hard as he followed close behind me. i limped up my drive way and into my house. i don't know why shawn wanted to help me, it wasn't that bad. plus he hated me, so why on earth would he do something nice.

"you don't have to help, i'm fine." i said as i walked through the door.

"obviously not, you have blood running down your leg." he said motioning to my knee with his hand.

i sighed and moved past to let him in. nobody was home, so i didn't have to deal with my mom's questioning and confusion.

i turned on my bathroom light before trying to reach up on the shelf for the first-aid kit. unfortunately, standing on my toes didn't even get me close.

"i got it shortie." he said smiling a little before reaching over me and grabbing the kit effortlessly.

i sighed and tried to take it from his hands. he smirked and held it over his head.

"come on shawn." i said rolling my eyes and trying to get it from him. since he was over 6 foot it made it even more difficult. i tried to jump, but when i came back down my knee gave out making me almost collapse. but once again, shawn wrapped his arm around my waist.

we were even closer than before. my breath caught in my throat as i looked into his warm brown eyes. my skin was burning, and not just from the accident.

"maybe you should just let me do it." he said softly.

"what?" i asked pushing my brows together and feeling my cheeks heat up.

his arm untangled itself from me as he said, "hop onto the counter."

a small part of me felt disappointed. for some reason i thought he meant something else, and for some reason i wouldn't of minded that. i quickly shook that thought from mind before sitting on the counter.

he bent down after opening up the kit. he pulled out some rubbing alcohol and a band-aid.

"you are not putting rubbing alcohol on my knee." i said with wide eyes.

"y/n, do you want it to get infected?" he asked looking up.

i rubbed my arm nervously and looked down. he placed his index finger under my chin and tilted my chin up slightly. "it'll only burn for a few seconds, and then we'll put on some antibacterial ointment, and then cover it." he explained assuringly.

i nodded and sighed. he quickly looked away and reached in for the ointment before closing it. he poured the rubbing alcohol into the cotton ball and paused before placing it on the cut.

"just squeeze my hand if it burns too much." he said holding out his free hand. i was hesitant to take it, but a part of me wanted to. his large hand intertwined with mine before he placed the cotton ball onto the scrape.

as soon as it made contact it began burning, i inhaled sharply and squeezed his hand lightly.

"don't be such a baby." he said laughing a little as he threw it into the trash can. i let my hand fall from his and crossed my arms over my chest as he applied the cream.

i watched as shawn carefully the ointment. his brows pushed together as his eyes focused carefully. he licked his lips before grabbing the large band-aid.

"there ya go, good as new." he said patting his hand on my thigh. he looked taken aback by his action, and so did i. chills ran down my spine as he gave me a tender and gentle look.

"um," i shook my head and looked away from his eyes and down to my knee, "thanks."

i went to jump down from the counter, but he stopped me. his hands cupped my cheeks making my breathing stop. his lips were inches away from mine. his brown eyes flicked from mine to my lips.

his lips brushed across mine as if he was asking permission to kiss me. i swallowed hard and nodded my head slightly as my eyes fluttered close. his warm plump lips moved in-sync with mine. the kiss was slow and sweet.

it was as if all the hatred I felt towards him for the past few years, had just dissolved slowly. he deepened the kiss as my hands found their way to his curly dark hair.

we pulled away after a few more seconds. our foreheads rested against each other as we tried to catch our breath.

"i should of done that a long time ago." he said brushing a strand of hair behind my ear as he smiled softly.

okay before someone comments "sHe'S sO dRmAtiC,"chill it's an  imagine and i needed to make the character more needy 😂

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