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credit goes to a quote i read awhile ago.

the wind began to pick up the leaves, tossing them around. rain poured from the dark clouds drowning everything beneath the sky. the familiar vehicle pulled into my driveway making me feel more safe.

"it's getting pretty bad out there." he said closing the door.

"yeah." my voice was dry as i continued to stare out the window.

"i know you don't like storms so i figured you would want some company." he said placing his hand on my middle back causing me to jump slightly.

he was right, and there was no one else i'd rather be here. however, he shouldn't be here.

"shawn..." his hand fell from my back as he shook his head.

"don't start this again." he demanded.

"why won't you just stay away?" i asked crossing my arms over my chest as the house began to become chilly.

"why won't you just understand that no matter what you say or do, i can't stay away from you." he pushed his brows together as he towered over my small frame.

"you don't want to do this." i shook my head and pushed past him trying to get to the living room.

"it's not a choice y/n, you don't get to choose who you want." shawn argued following right behind me.

"you can stop yourself." i said as i spun around to face him.

"really? then explain how," he stepped closer to me causing me to swallow hard, "tell me that you don't feel anything for me, tell me that you don't blush after i compliment you, that you don't get goosebumps just from my touch," his finger trailed up my arm making me shiver slightly, "tell me that you don't want me." his hand was no cupping my cheek as he stared deeply into my eyes with eagerness.

i took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly before backing out of his touch. the lights began to flicker before the house turned completely dark.

"shawn, i'm the type of girl that would do anything for you, i want the friday night dates, falling asleep in the same bed every night, spending holidays together, i want all of that," he cut me off.

"is this about my career, because i can promise that-."

"no shawn, this has nothing to do with that. it's that i'm also the girl that hasn't been in a single relationship that wasn't toxic, and i know i'm the reason that it was that way." i confessed.

the house fell silent allowing me continue, "if you fell in love with me, you would understand why these hurricanes are named after people."

the house shook as thunder rumbled. i couldn't see shawn, but i knew that he was close. his cologne lingered closely making my heart race.

"y/n, even the strongest storm can't take some things down." shawn's warm hands wrapped around mine, "and if you think for one second that all of your relationships were your fault, you're so terribly wrong. none of the guys before were good for you."

i felt a lump in my throat as i placed my hand on his chest.

"just let me be the one that is." his voice cracked softly as he placed his index under my chin forcing me to look up at him.

his lips met mine softly, i instantly craved more. i trialed my hand behind his neck pulling him to deepen the kiss, he placed his hand on my hip and pushed me closer to his body.

we pulled away after a few seconds, breathless and shocked at what just happened. i smiled a little as i placed my head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around me and held me close before placing his chin on my head.

he would be the one.

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