ski trip

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the crisp cold mountain air welcomed me when i stepped out of the car. i stretched out all of my muscles that had been cooped up in car for the past 6 hours all because of the trip that my family refuses to stop. every year we take a ski trip to the same mountain and stay at the same cabins.

it started when i was 6, but by the time i was 16 i grew tired of it. unfortunately they had my little brother and they wanted him to experience it also.

"here," i looked away from the snow covered mountain tops to see my dad holding my bag. i took it from his hands and put the strap over my shoulder.

"while your mom and i check in, you should go show your brother the snowball fort." my dad said before leaving gavin and me.

"come on squirt." i said ruffling his dirty blonde hair.

"hey stop it." he said quickly fixing his messed up hair.

i rolled my eyes and took his small hand in mine. i walked through the breezeway of the hotel to see the opening where all the festivities happened. they had a small gift shop that connected to the large hotel, a hot chocolate stand that had more stuff than hit chocolate but that was what it was known for, a small underground bar, and the snow ball pit.

"That's so cool." Gavin said taking off with my hand still holding onto his tightly causing me to have to chase after him.

"Gavin slow-," before i could finish my sentence Gavin bumped into a tall man. The guy turned around with a confused expression and looked down at gavin who was now sitting flat on the ground.

"I'm sorry about that little dude." The brunette held his hand to help gavin up. I noticed that he had a stunning tattoo of a swallow between his thumb and index finger.

"I'm so sorry," I said shaking my head and laughing a little out of embarrassment.

His eyes met mine making my whole body tense up. I was now able to get a better look at him. He had messy brown curls styles perfectly, coffee colored eyes, and his cheeks were rosy along with his nose. I have to admit that he was very attractive.

"It's okay," he said shrugging with a smile. "I would be excited to if I was going to throw snowballs at people."

I laughed and looked down shyly.

"Guess I'll see you around." He said looking away from me and down to my brother before walking off with two other men.

"Can I go throw snowballs now?" Gavin asked looking up at me with his big blue eyes.

"Uh," I shook my head to clear the encounter out of my brain, "Yeah, come on."

hmmm continue?

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