the love you deserve

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his brown eyes bored into mine as he searched for a response. the three words raced through my mind as i searched for the words to say. my mind told me one thing, but my heart was trailing behind.

"shawn..." he closed his eyes tightly as his hands slowly fell from mine. he turned around intertwining his fingers together on the back of his head.

cold rain drops began to fall from the dark sky. slowly, and then all at once. we both began to become soaked, but that was the least of my concerns.

"i told you, i'm just scared." i said softly placing my hand on his shoulder to get him to face me.

"and you don't think i am?" he quickly turned around. his brown curls now covered his forehead, his glossy eyes made it hard to tell if it was tears or just raindrops falling down his pale cheeks.

i swallowed hard and stepped back as he shook his head, looking off in the distance.

"y/n, no one is ever just ready to get into a relationship. you don't know what's going to happen, or the pain that might be endured, and there's no way to have a warning. you just have to be ready to face the challenges and don't let your own fears ruin it," shawn's stepped closer to me leaving an inch of space between us, "you're never going to be happy if you don't let yourself accept the love you deserve."

he was right. we both knew it.

i brushed his soaked curls away from his eyes, and let my hand slowly fall to his cheek. he kept his distance, and made sure to keep his hands to his side. it was as if he was afraid to touch me now which made my heart ache.

"i love you too shawn." he closed his eyes tightly as he leaned his head back in relief. he swiftly picked me up causing me to wrap my legs around his torso as i laughed softly.

he rested his forehead against mine as he pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear before crashing his lips onto mine.

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