grocery shopping

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it was a cold rainy sunday. now some may think this is the absolute worst weather to go grocery shopping, but not in my book. this was the perfect day to get snacks and other treats to fill the cabinets. i always hated grocery shopping, but it was something i had to do.

"i'll be back in about an hour." i said looking at myself in the wall mirror as i tried up my hair.

"where are you going?" my boyfriend asked pushing his brows together and setting his phone down on his chest.

"to the store," i said turning around to face him. he poked out his lip and looked as if he was pouting. "i'll be back soon." i said laughing a little at his actions before walking over to him. he leaned up off the bed as he grabbed my body and pulled me down with him.

i laughed loudly as he began tickling my sides. "Shawn, if you don't stop it i swear-," he cut me off with a small laugh.

"what are you going to do?" he asked raising an eyebrow and propping his arms beside my head.

i quickly thought of something and smiled when it hit me, "i'll never kiss you again."

his smile slowly faded and was replaced with sadness, "that's not fair." he pouted.

"oh it's fair." i said rolling out from underneath him and hopping back up to my feet.

"love you," i said picking up my car keys from the nightstand.

"wait," he said jumping up, "i'm coming with you." he slid on his shoes and followed close to me as we walked out to my car.

"okay so we need milk, cereal, fruit," i went over the list, but of course shawn wasn't listening. his attention was focused on some weird flavored chips.

"we should get these." he said holding them up before tossing them into the cart.

he followed me like a little kid throughout the store as i picked out what we needed. he would occasionally toss in a few things that he liked.

"babe," i looked away from the various sugary cereals to see him holding up a pack of strawberries, "i love you berry much." He said with a cheesy grin. i laughed a little and shook my head.

we moved to the next aisle with all of the frozen dinners. "will you grab a pizza?" i asked leaning against the cart. he nodded and opened the frosted glass door before pulling out a frozen pepperoni pizza.

he looked down at the box for a second before a smile spread across his lips, "take a pizza my heart, and make it all your own."

his pun made a loud laugh pass my lips. this caused him to laugh also. he tossed it in the cart before walking over to me, "i'm so glad you think I'm punny."

"you're such a dork." i said patting his chest as i looked up at him with a smile.

"i'm your dork." he said before kissing me softly.

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