you'll be sorry

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the loud music and bright flashing lights hit me as soon as i walked into the crowded club. my boyfriend's hand slipped into mine and gave it a small squeeze.

i looked up to see his eyes focused on something on the dance floor. his body tensed up as he clenched his jaw. i followed his gaze to see my ex boyfriend with a drink in his hand and an amused smile.

i swallowed hard and rubbed small circles on Shawn's hand before guiding him over to the bar.

"2 shots," i ordered as we sat on the stools. the bartender nodded and poured tequila into two short glasses. he sat them down in front of shawn and i before making a drink for the blonde girl beside us.

shawn threw his head back as he downed the burning liquid. he scrunched his face up in disgust for a few seconds but then shook it off. i did the same before turning to look at him.

"we came here to have fun, now come on." i said taking in his hand in mine and pulling him out to the dance floor.

(Play the song above if you'd like now)

I swayed my hips against shawn as he placed his hands on my hips. I smiled and leaned back into him. I brought my hand up to his cheek before turning around and kissing him softly. He smiled into the kiss before pulling me even closer and deepening the kiss.

our bodies moved along to the song as it continued to play. once it was over shawn went to get a few more drinks while i went to the restroom. just as i was about to walk into the bathroom the men's door swung open.

"y/n," his raspy voice made chills shoot through my body. i slowly turned around and met his icy blue eyes. "it's been a while."

he stepped closer to me making my heart race. i swallowed hard before speaking, "get away from me Daniel." i tried to move away from him but he pushed his arms against the wall beside my head.

"oh come on baby, you know you miss me." he licked his lips and looked down at mine before leaning in closer, "you know i can make you feel better than he ever could." the smell of alcohol lingered on his breath as he spoke.

i turned my head away from him and tried my best to get away, but he grabbed my arm stopping me. "let go of me!" i insisted as i tried to pull my arm free.

"let her go," i turned my head to see shawn. his warm brown eyes were now dark and full of anger. the usual light pink in his cheeks were now a bright red. his fists were clenched as he approached us.

"look who came to the rescue," Daniel let go of me and stepped closer to shawn. there were already faint bruises appearing due to how hard he was holding my arm. Daniel stopped in front of shawn and looked up at him since shawn was a few inches taller.

"Shawn don't," i tried to prevent a fight from breaking out, but shawn was beyond mad. This wasn't the first encounter we've had with Daniel. Shawn's tried to be nice to him, but I knew this was the last straw.

"If you ever touch her again you'll be sorry." Shawn said in a deep voice as the vein in his neck became even more visible. he turned to walk away.

"what are you going to do," Daniel questioned causing shawn to stop in his tracks, "not a damn thing." That was all it took for shawn to turn back around and tackle Daniel to the hard ground. Shawn was on top of him as his fist collided with his face.

I was in shock, I couldn't move or speak. The more punches the more blood appeared. Daniel somehow managed to get a few throws in also, but they were nothing compared to the broken nose and busted lip he had.

A guy with sandy blonde hair busted out of the men's room and managed to pull shawn off of Daniel. He stood between them as they both made their way back onto their feet.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked looking back and forth between them.

Shawn's chest heaved up and down as he took rapid breaths. Daniel's head was leaned back as he cupped his broken nose.

"He was being a prick." Shawn said before spitting out the blood before wiping his mouth with the back of his also bleeding hand.

I stepped closer to shawn and saw the small cuts and his bruised lip. He looked over at me and his dark eyes slowly faded back into the normal chocolate color.

"Both of you need to leave, now." He demanded.

Daniel chucked a bit before saying, "if you could control your man doll face, none of this would have happened."

I felt shawn tense up again. "Daniel shut the hell up, if you would grow up and stop being such an ass none of the would have happened." I said before shawn and I made our way out of the club.

"you're kinda cute when your feisty." Shawn said looking over at me with a smile. His lip was still bleeding along with the small cut on his cheek.

"Whatever, lets get you home and cleaned up badass." I said making him laugh softly as he opened the car door for me.

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