ski trip •3•

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~have you had your fall break yet? 🍁🍂

"You really don't have to walk me back." I said looking up at Shawn.

"Something tells me you wouldn't be able to make it more than 5 feet without falling," shawn said holding his hand out to help me up, "plus I was heading that way."

the resort wasn't far down the mountain. it was about 2 miles down after we got on the ski lift. which made my hands shake just thinking about it. i was terrified of the ski lift. just the thought of getting stuck up there was enough to make me pass out.

"are you okay?" shawn asked causing me to look away from the moving ski lift carrying skiers to the top of the mountain.

"yeah." i lied before sighing.

"down or up?" the dude with a long beard and bushy eyebrows asked.

"down." shawn answered.

the dude nodded and stopped a seat for us. shawn let me get on the inside before sitting down beside me. the operator closed the metal door securing us in. once it moved my body jolted a little. I swallowed hard and clenched my fist to try to calm myself.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're scared of these." Shawn said with a smile and an eyebrow raised.

"Uh," I cleared my throat and nodded, "just a little."

"Why? They aren't even that bad." He said making me look up at him confused.

"Dude have you never seen frozen?" I asked with a shocked look.

"Yeah the talking snowman is my favorite, but-," I cut him off.

"'Not the Disney movie dummy, the horror movie where they get stuck on a ski lift and they would of been stuck on it during a blizzard for a whole week but one guy jumps down, breaks both of his legs then gets eaten by wolves," i shivered not wanting to even finish my sentence.

"What kind of movies do you watch?" Shawn asked with a confused expression.

"My friend suggested it and I watched it." I shrugged.

"Well I can assure you that we aren't going to get stuck for a week, and even if we did I would not jump all the way down there." He said leaning forward and looking down at the drop.

"Shawn," I stretched my arm out across him when he started to make me nervous because he was leaning too far up.

"Oh does this," he leaned even closer, "scare you?" He asked with a smirk.

"Shawn stop." I asked laughing a little trying to play it off as if I wasn't terrified that at any moment he would fall over the edge.

Shawn laughed and leaned back, "I'm not actually going to do it, and besides ," his hand moved from the railing and found its way to my knee making my heart flutter, "How would you walk back if you didn't have me?"

"so how long are you staying?" shawn asked as we got closer to my room.

"until Sunday." i answered looking up at him.

"me too." He said looking down at me with his light brown eyes and warm smile. i felt like i was melting from the way he was looking at me.

"well this is me," i said pointing to the room, "197."

i pulled the room key out of my jacket pocket and slid it into the lock. "thank you again for helping me with all this even though I pretty much tackled you." I told Shawn as I opened the door and leaned into it to hold myself up.

He laughed a little and shrugged, "you're welcome." I gave him a soft smile and turned to walk into the suit.

"Hey Uh," I turned around to see him rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "would you like to have dinner tomorrow night? I heard that the restaurant here is really good." He asked making my whole body freeze. He was really asking me out. I had to try my best not to freak out.

"Yeah of course." I said smiling.

His nervous facial expression changed to relief as his face lit up, "can I get your number? Just to like text you when I-," I cut his stuttering off.

"Sure." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I put my number and then made my contact, "y/n ❄️." He smiled as i handed it back to him.

"see you tomorrow." He said winking and walking off.

i bit my lip to hide my smile as i limped into the room. i had a date with a boy i knocked down on cold snow.

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