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the pouring ran mixed with the tears streaming down my face. the night light coming from his house was the only source of light making it very hard to see. i stumbled onto his porch before raising my knuckle to the wooden door. i slowly knocked after taking a deep breath.

a few seconds later the door swung open. his hair was slightly messy, the gray shirt clung to his body making his defined muscles even more noticeable. he slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before focusing on me. concern quickly took over as he noticed the state i was in.

"y/n, what's wrong?" he immediately reached out for me making me sob even harder. i wrapped my arms around him as i cried. he rubbed my back soothingly attempting to calm me down.

"you're shivering, get in here." he said softly before guiding me into the warm dark house. i followed him up to his room and stood silently as he grabbed a clean t-shirt. i sniffled softly as i took it from his hands and made my way to the bathroom.

i changed out of the soaked clothes and threw the t-shirt over my head. it fell to my mid-thigh so i felt pretty much covered. i took my hair out of the pony tail and tried to fix the tangled mess before walking back to his room.

he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his knee bounced up and down as he bit his lip. he quickly looked up and swallowed hard before standing back up.

"tell me what happened." he demanded as he walked closer to me.

i felt the lump in my throat grow again, i swallowed the feeling and tried to find the words. "i walked in on brandon sleeping with some girl."

his face fell as he saw a tear manage to slip down my cheek. he sighed before bringing me into another hug, "i can kick his ass if you want." he said managing to make me laugh.

"it's okay, he's not worth it anyway." i said pulling back from him and immediately missing the warmth.

"then why are you still crying over him?" he asked his voice suddenly deeper and almost angry.

"i just feel betrayed, and stupid," i shook my head, "i should of known i wasn't enough for him." i said softly as i sat down on his bed.

"y/n, don't you ever say that. you are more than enough, any guy would be lucky to have you. if he is too blind to see that then it's his loss," he took my small hand in his large ones as he met my eyes, "you're so unbelievably gorgeous and kind. you have an amazing personality and the wittiest sense of humor. you're perfect."

his words made my heart race and my knees weak. i smiled slightly as i fumbled with the hem of the shirt. he placed his index finger underneath my chin forcing me to meet his eyes.

"thank you shawn, but i don't think that's true." i said shaking my head.

"i know it's true darling." his eyes flickered from mine to my lips. i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as i nodded slightly. the corner of his lips slowly curved before he leaned into kiss me. as soon as his lips met mine i immediately melted. i kissed back with passion as i craved more.

"i think i might of been the blind one." i said once we pulled away. his eyes lit up as he smiled making me kiss him again.

this is messy and rushed but ughh

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