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back at it with the short ones

the cool fall air brushed throughout her hair as she pulled her knees close to her chest before resting her cheek against them. her tear stained cheeks turned a faint pink as the breeze bit at them.

the dead leaves being crushed caught her attention, she snapped her head in the direction to see his tall figure making its way towards her. she quickly wiped the mascara out from under her eyes and forced a smile.

"hey," she croaked out as he sat down beside her.

"hey." he said with his usual warm smile.

"sorry i made you come out here, i just really needed someone to talk to, and no one gets me like you do." she said pushing a strand of hair behind her ear nervously.

"well you know that's what i'm here for." he said placing his large hand on her knee.

she felt a warm feeling, almost as if it was relief as she looked back up at him. "i broke up with brandon," she confessed.

shawn's blood ran cold at the mention of his name. a chill went down his spine causing him to clench his jaw tightly. "why?" he asked trying to meet her eyes.

"i got tired of being a second choice." she explained as she looked out at the cliff below.

shawn stayed silent as he tried to find the words to say. he swallowed hard as he moved closer to her. his arm wrapped around her frail, cold body as he pulled her closer to him. she leaned her head against his chest as he rested his upon hers.

"there's nothing worse than that." she said shaking her head as she sniffles softly.

"yes there is," shawn argued as he pulled away from her slowly. she looked up at him with her brows pushed together in confusion. shawn looked into her baby blue bloodshot eyes and felt his heart ache.

he hated seeing her like this. she deserves so much better. she deserves the whole world. only if she could only see that he would give it to her.

"and it's not even being a choice."

Shawn Mendes Imagines Where stories live. Discover now