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the bright moon casts its light over the entire town and brings a cool breeze with it. it use to always makes me feel comfort and happiness. however, it's beginning to make me cold and alone.

the best place to see the moon and stars is in a park on the outskirts of town. it used to be where my mom would take me every other saturday. all it had was a slide and a row of swings. now it has all the new things for kids to play on. i still stick with the slide.

the coolness met my back, and the sides of the slide hugged me considering my size compared to it. my eyes study the twinkling stars as my mind races with thoughts.

where did my childhood go?

when was the last time i was considered a kid?

how pathetic was this?

i was broken out of my thoughts by a few giggles. i jumped up, and began to feel my heart race. i turned my head to see a group of teenagers walking over with bottles of alcohol in their hands. one was hanging onto the other while she smiled looking up at him.

"you know, even when i was a kid i knew my mom wasn't right." i said resting my head onto his hard chest.

"what do you mean?" his voice vibrated against my skin.

"her words we never right, and she always moved slowly. everyone just told me she was sick, but they never told me it was addiction." i said sighing before standing up on my feet.

his brown eyes looked at me with sadness as a frown formed on his lips. he tried to cover it, "what are you doing?" he asked struggling to get his tall figure up off the wood chips.

"going to the swings, duh." i said.

we raced each other to the swing set with a sense of love and happiness following us.

i slowly disappeared into the darkness, so that they didn't see or hear me. however, my the growls coming from my stomach could be heard from miles away. i decided to head to the diner that wasn't too far down the road.

the smell of sweet syrup and sizzling bacon lingered through the freezing air. i slid into a booth facing away from the door, and pulled out a menu.

"y/n, do you want the usual?" the waitress that knew me all too well asked.

"of course." i said putting the menu away as if i would have read over it.

she brought me back a coffee before putting in my order. the steam rose from the white mug. i began to pour an unhealthy amount of sugar in it before stirring.

"you're gonna go into a diabetic coma one of these days." i jumped at the deep voice from beside me.

my eyes looked up to a pair of honey brown orbs. the spoon fell from my hand making a loud clinging sound as it collided with the table. i froze in shock.

"you act like you've seen a ghost y/n." my name escaped from his lips just like the many times before.

i swallowed hard as he slid in the seat across from me. "i hear the pancakes are pretty good, but i'll just stick to my usual."

"what the hell are you doing here?" i managed to croak out.

"just wanted to see an old friend." he said with a cocky grin that made my stomach turn.

"we stopped being friends a long time ago." i mumbled as i placed my head in my hand. my eyes focused on the coffee as i tried to convince myself that this was just a harsh flashback.

"like when?" he asked setting his elbows on the table and leaning forward.

"when you left for a year with no message, letter, call, or anything shawn." i shot at him causing him to jump back slightly. he looked down at his lap causing me to sigh. i threw a few bills down on the table before grabbing my bag and walking out.

nothing good ever comes after midnight.

thinking of a part 2

also i saw where someone mentioned me as their favorite writer and my heart swelled, so if you're reading this, thank you for making my year :,)

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