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i'm watching friends and got the inspiration for this...

"and this one is from me," my mom said with a bright smile as she handed me the perfectly wrapped gift. i smiled and took it from her before tearing into it.

it revealed a few gift cards to my favorite place and a new hoodie. i thanked her and gave her a hug before moving into my next one from my friend, mandy.

"ignore the wrapping." she said handing me a box that was only wrapped halfway. i laughed as i ripped the rest off. it was an old board game that we all used to play together in middle school.

"i love it! thank you." i said shaking it rattling the game pieces. i gave her a hug and promised to play it later.

"last one, and it's from..." my mom checked the tag and smiled slightly, "it's from shawn."

i pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, there was a velvet  black box underneath. as soon as i opened it i gasped. "he remembered." i said softly as i traced the gold chain with my finger.

"what?" my mom questioned as she stood up to take a look.

"a few months ago, i pointed this out at the store but it was so expensive i never thought i would get it. he remembered." i took it out of the box and began twirling the golden butterfly around.

"well y/n, you remember when he was going out with lauren and he got her those earrings-," she stopped and her eyes widened causing my mom to place her hand on her head.

"what did you just say?" i asked shocked.

"uh, i really have to pee." she said jumping from the couch and running to the bathroom. i placed the box down and ran after her. she slammed the door in my face and i began to bang on the wooden door.

"mandy what did you just say! tell me," i shouted at her in hopes she would open the door.

"all i said was that he bought her earrings!" she shouted back.

"no! tell me now." i said followed by multiple banging sounds. the door swung open just as i was about to do it again.

"okay, yes. what you're thinking is true." she said softly.

"oh my god." i said falling back into the staircase.

"y/n, are you really that shocked? i mean he's not that great at hiding it." she said trying to make me feel better.

"i have to see him, i have to go. i need to call him or something." i said standing up and not knowing what to do.

"he's at the airport, his flight already left." mandy said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"no! no his flight isn't for another thirty minutes, and it's nine." my mother shouted as she walked in looking at her watch. i looked around to see what i should do, but the smile on my mom's face was enough.

"go! quit wasting time." she said handing me her car keys and practically pushing me out of the house.

my mind raced with thoughts as i sped through the traffic. how did i not know? after all these years, i just thought we would always just be friends. i convinced myself that it was best, and i was fine with it. but now that i think he might feel the same, my heart feels like it might burst.

i arrived at the airport with just five minutes left until nine-thirty. my feet carried me across the glossy tiles, bumping and pushing anyone out of my way.

i came to a halt when i saw his tall figure looking out of the window, overlooking the planes. i took a deep shaky breath and smiled.

"i wonder which one is yours." i said coming up beside him.

he smiled and turned to me in shock, "what are you doing here?" he took me into a warm hug heating up my whole body.

"i- uh," suddenly i was at lost for words as i looked into his brown eyes, "i wanted to thank you for the necklace."

"i knew you've wanted for a while, so.." his eyes began to trail off.

"shawn, i love you." his eyes snapped back to mine with confusion and hope glistening in them.

"well i love you too, y/n." he said in a friendly tone.

"no," i shook my head, "i'm in love with you. ever since you helped me up from that stupid bike in the fifth grade, i knew i loved you. i convinced myself that we would always just be friends, but i know you feel the same way as me." my words spewed from my mouth as if i couldn't hold them back anymore.

he stood in shock as he processed my words.

"flight 189 is now boarding." my stomach dropped as everyone around us began forming into a line. shawn looked around as if he was coming back in from a trance.

"i have to go." and with that he was gone.

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