hot chocolate

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anger rushed through my veins when he looked over at me. i looked away from his brown eyes and down at the chipped red finger nail polish. i pushed a strand of hair behind my ear before getting up from the booth.

i pushed open the glass door and walked out of the small diner. the cool air hit me as soon as i walked outside. it was around 7 which meant the sun was going down causing the warm air to turn cold and bitter. it was the normal September day in Canada.

i put my headphones in and put my music on shuffle. the song "New," by daya began playing in my ears as my feet walked along the sidewalk. i hugged my jacket closer to my body for some sort of warmth, it was as colder than i expected it to be.

my heart started to pound when i heard a car start to slow down behind me. my first thought was that i was about to be kidnapped, but i tired to push it to the back of my mind. i avoided looking over to see who it was, that was until the vehicle pulled up right beside me and slowed dow to the speed i was walking. i then realized that it was not a kidnapper.

"do you want a ride?" i looked over to see shawn looking at me with a sympathy in his eyes.

"no," i said sighing making a small cloud form in front of my lips, "I'm fine."

"you're freezing your ass off y/n," he said.

"i said I'm fine shawn." I said trying to control the chattering of my teeth. did I need to get into the warm toasty car with him? of course. but did i want to? well...of course. but i needed to stay away from him, and getting into his car with him was not going to help with that.

"i will stop this car right now, get out, and get you if you don't get in this car." He said making me want to laugh a little, but I bit my lip to contain it.

"Shawn," he cut me off before I could say anything.

"mom is making her famous hot chocolate." He said making me take a deep breath.

i can't give up the opportunity to have some of Karen's hot chocolate. i swear that warm cup of deliciousness has some sort of magic that makes you addicted.

"fine." i said opening the door to his black Jeep. i saw the corners of his lips curve slightly as i stretched the seatbelt across my body.

"I'm only doing this because i really need a cup of your mom's hot chocolate." i said looking straight ahead as he stared to sped up more.

"right," he said nodding his head, "of course."

"y/n," i looked up the stair case to see Aaliyah with a huge smile and shocked expression on her face.

"hey hun," i said as she made her way to give me a hug.

"it's so nice to see you, it's been a while." She said once we pulled away from the hug.

"yeah." i said trying to ignore the fact that Shawn was looking at me as I spoke to Aaliyah.

"Shawn who-," Karen's walked out of the kitchen as she wiped her hands on a rag. She stopped talking when her eyes fell on me.

"Y/n," her lips curved into a bright smile, "it's so good to see you honey." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"it's good to see you too." i said hugging her small framed body.

"y/n decided that she just couldn't pass up on your famous hot chocolate," shawn said as Karen and I pulled away from the hug.

"oh honey i was just making Aaliyah a cup, come on." She said nodding her head for us to follow her into the kitchen.

she handed the white mug that was overflowing with mini marshmallows to Aaliyah and then began pouring the rest into a red mug that i immediately recognized.

"I like the color red," i shrugged and sat down on the wooden stool.

"well today is your lucky day because," shawn paused and opened the cabinets above the counter, "i have this mug that is more than likely going to be your favorite." he pulled down a red mug with the words "#1 hockey player," in black across it.

"oh yes because i am the number one hockey player." i said making his pink lips curved into a smile.

"yes you are." he said handing the mug with a smile still evident on his face.

"thank you," i said taking the warm mug.

"mom we have to be there by 8." Aaliyah said in a panicked tone before she downed the rest of her drink.

"Oh shoot," she said turning her head quickly to look at the time on the stove, "go get your bag." Karen said grabbing her car keys.

"Where are you guys going?" Shawn asked opening the fridge.

"Aaliyah has a cheer meeting." Karen said running her fingers through her brown hair and sighing.

"Ok let's go mom." Aaliyah said pulling her bag over her shoulder and nodding towards the door.

After they left a silence fell over Shawn and I.

"I should probably get going, it's getting late." I said before swallowing the last bit of the addictive substance.

"I miss you," Shawn's sentence made me freeze. The mug made a clattering sound as it slipped in my hand into the sink. I slowly turned around and met his warm brown eyes.

"What?" I asked pushing my brows together.

"For the past 6 months I have stared at your contact debating on whether or not to call you. Maybe even send a simple text to see how you were, but I couldn't. The fear of hearing your voice or getting a response from you made my heart ache. I know I ended things between us, but I thought that it would be better for the both of us. My mind wasn't in the best place, but what I realized was you were the one that helped me in those dark times." He paused looking for some sort of reaction. I was shocked, I didn't really know what to say, so he continued.

"You always managed to make me smile when I never thought I could. You were the reason I even got out of bed in the morning. Y/n you pushed me to pursue my dream and look where that got me." He said his lips curving slightly.

"But Shawn," I said my voice coming out softly "look where that got me." I said my voice breaking at the end.

His smile faded and his face fell. He looked down and shook his head. "I made a mistake that I can't take back, I'm sorry. I love you so much and I wish that I could somehow redo that awful night, but I can't . No matter how much I apologize or try to make it up to you it won't fix the fact that I said what I said and did what I did." Shawn said his eyes turned glossy as he spoke.

"Shawn," I stepped closer to him, " what we had was amazing, but," he cut me off before I could finish.

"Please," he squeezed his eyes shut tightly and shook his head, "don't say that we won't last because we will," he opened his eyes and stepped closer to me which left only a small space between us, "we will last." His bloodshot eyes bored into mine that were filled with tears threatening to spill over.

his hands cupped my cheeks, he used his thumb to wipe away the tears that had fallen down my cheeks. My mind raced with something to say to him, but the only thing I managed to say was, "I love you." Relief washed over him when he heard my three words.

He crashed his warm lips onto mine making me instantly crave more. I kissed him back with passion as my hands found their way to the back of his head. My fingers ran through his soft curls as he deepened the kiss.

Glad I didn't pass up on that hot chocolate.

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