i promise

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the stinging pain growing in my cheek brought warm tears to my eyes. i looked into his icy blue eyes in disbelief. hatred filled the orbs that were once so loving and caring. i swallowed hard before pushing past his muscular figure.

"go to hell." i screamed with anger dripping in my voice as i slammed the door. i ran out to my car and tried to hold in my sobs. i didn't know where i was driving, but all i knew was that it was away from him.

i pulled to the driveway and took a deep breath. i pulled down the visor as i looked at the red handprint that was now on my tearstained cheek. i squeezed my eyes tight and leaned my head against the steering wheel.

i should of listened. everyone told me he was bad news, but i would just tell them he wasn't like that. he was exactly like the monster they all said he was. i should of left after the first few marks he caused, but i thought he could change.

i turned the car off before walking up the stairs to the door. my knuckles collided with the wooden door as i knocked. a few seconds later the door opened. he stood with messy hair as he rubbed his eyes.

it then occurred to me that it was very late. i hadn't even realized that it was probably 2 in the morning. i immediately regretted coming here.

"i'm sorry," i croaked out. his confused expression then changed into confusion, "i know its late, but-," that's when i lost it. a loud sob passed my lips as tears began streaming down my cheeks.

he wrapped his strong arms around my shaking body. his fingers ran through my hair soothingly as he said, "hey, it's okay."

"what happened," he asked cupping my cheeks with his hand. i flinched causing his brows to furrow. "did he do this to you?" he asked looking up from the mark to my eyes.

i didn't trust my voice enough to speak, so i just nodded.

"i'm gonna kill the son of a-," i grabbed his arm before he could take another step. he stopped and turned around.

"please don't, i just need you right now." the anger in his eyes slowly faded and filled with sympathy and sadness. he sighed and took my hand before guiding me into the house.

the warm air engulfed me as soon as i walked in. he closed the door behind me before we walked up to his bedroom. he pulled an old t-shirt out from his drawer and handed it to me. i went to his bathroom to change.

the shirt fell to my mid-thigh. i took my hair out of the messy bun it was in, and let my messy curls surround my face. i tossed my clothes in a pile before walking back out into his bedroom.

shawn was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. he looked up and sighed. his eyes fell from mine to my exposed legs. his eyes widened when he saw the dark purple bruises.

he closed his eyes tightly and shook his head before saying, "come here." his voice was calm and soothing.

he laid back as i climbed in beside him. he pulled the blanket over us before wrapping his arm around my body. he pulled me close to him. i rested my head on his chest as he rubbed small circles on my arm.

"you should of told me y/n," he said looking down at me.

"i know, but i was scared. i thought it was a one time thing, but that turned into a nightly thing. i should of never let it get to this point." i admitted.

Shawn's pov:
the marks on her made my blood boil. how could someone ever do that to someone they love? especially someone like her.

her bloodshot eyes looked up into mine as she talked about the things he did to her. the things i could of prevented. i swallowed hard and tightened my grip on her small body.

"i promise i won't let anyone hurt you, i love you." i said running my fingers through her hair.

"i love you too." She said softly. she closed her eyes before slipping into a deep sleep that her body needed.

i sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "i love you more than you'll ever now." i whispered.

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