teen love •2•

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my fingers ran over the silky dress as i looked at my reflection. i took a deep breathe and turned away from the mirror. i didn't want to see my puffy eyes covered with eyeshadow or my red nose from sniffling.

i grabbed my keys and purse before walking out the door. my mind kept going back to the encounter with shawn, i didn't want to think too deep into it. i mean, his wedding was in one hour.

unfortunately, i was going to have to face his fiancé in her clean white wedding dress, curled updo hair, and so many bridesmaids, as if i didn't have jealousy running through my veins.

i put on a fake smile as i walked into the suit. they were all almost done with makeup, a few were just adding last minute touches. i heard the makeup stylist talking to kimberley about her lipstick.

"you're here!" i looked up to see shawn's sister, aaliyah, approaching me with her arms out and a big smile. she looked stunning in her blush pink dress, and long braid. i quickly hugged her back feeling a sort of relief that somebody talked to me. "can you help me with something?" she asked.

"yeah of course." i nodded and followed her out of the suite into the empty hallway. she led me into a room with a bunch of flowers and last minute things to be set up.

"so what's your plan?" she asked as she lifted a box of roses.

"what do you mean?" i asked confused as i tore the petals off of the stems.

"well, are you gonna say you object?" she asked causing me to freeze up.

"no, no this is shawns big day and he's happy with her. i wouldn't mess this up for him." i said shaking my head.

"oh please, everyone in our family knows this should have been you guys getting married today. yeah he's happy, but nowhere near as happy as he was with you," she shrugged and placed the box on the ground, "he looked a mess when he got here, i figured something happened when he went to pick up his tux. it's none of my business, but you need to go check on him." she said nodding towards the door.

i swallowed hard as she told me where to go. i walked out, and felt the cool air hit me making me feel lightheaded as i walked to his room. i brought my shaky hand to the door and knocked.

the door swung open revealing ian. i smiled, since i hadn't seen him in so long.

"y/n! it's been years." he said excitedly bringing me into a hug.

"i know! how have you been?" i asked as he walked me into the gigantic room.

"pretty good, can't complain. what about you?" he asked.

"well," i sighed a shaky breath causing him to place his arm on my shoulder.

"i know. i can't believe you even came today-," he was cut off by shawn walking out of the bathroom. the room suddenly became so tense it was hard to breathe. ian cleared his throat before saying, "i'll give you two some privacy." with that he walked out of the room causing it to go silent.

i studied his body language to see the right way to go about this. he seemed tense as he ran his fingers through his neatly pushed back curls. his long legs stretched out as he sat on the bed.

"shawn," i sat down beside him and looked down at the floor, "i'm sorry for earlier. aaliyah told me that you seemed off when you got here, and i feel awful. i didn't want to ruin this day for you in any way." i said before turning to look at him.

his eyes were already on me, making me heat up. i quickly looked away and checked the time. he had fifteen minutes before he had to go out there, and i had about thirteen to prepare myself.

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