"you're so cute."

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the wind blew through her dark hair. the sun shined down onto the blue water making it sparkle. she admired the waves that crashed onto shore. every wave got closer to her, but she refused to move.

shawn admired her as she focused on her surroundings. he studied her scattered freckles that covered her pale skin, his eyes fell to her soft lips that were pink and plump. his own curved into a smile as he said, "you're so cute."

she titled her head and looked at him confused. she felt her cheeks heat up from the compliment, "well thank you." she said tucking a piece of her glossy hair behind her ear.

shawn shrugged, "just thought that the beauty should be admired."

"you're so cheesy," she said letting out a breathy laugh and shaking her head a little. she licked her lips and looked down at her chipped black nail polish, "i like it." she said before biting her lip gently and looking up at him.

he smiled a genuine smile before saying, "i'm glad because if you didn't this might not work."

she rolled her eyes playfully and leaned into his tall frame. he wrapped his arm around her small framed body and held her close to him. he placed a kiss on her head before resting his head against hers.

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