happy endings

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his touch burned her skin causing the tears to form in her eyes. the cool night air made her shiver as she backed away from his comforting warmth. she shook her head in disbelief.

"i don't believe you." her voice cracked as she spoke in disbelief.

"believe me," he said with darkness in his bloodshot eyes, "i don't love you anymore."

she felt as if the ground underneath her feet was breaking, a weight formed on her chest making it hard to breathe as she searched for the words to say. where was this coming from? just a few days ago they were the perfect couple and so in love. well at least it seemed that way.

"then why are you still here? leave, shawn." her words were bitter laced in her harsh tone.

"i'm sorry y/n." he took one last look at her emotionless face that was still just as beautiful to him before speeding away.

she watched his taillights fade into the darkness before collapsing in the driveway. her sobs could be heard from miles away, her body shook as she broke slowly.

the car came to a stop at the red light. the street was empty and nothing could be heard from the radio. tears streamed down his face as he looked at the suitcases in the backseat. his fist began to collide with the steering wheel as he screamed in pain.

this wasn't how their story was supposed to end, but sometimes we don't get the happy endings we deserve.

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