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i haven't written a wedding inspired one in a hot

the day was finally here. the family ran around the old chapel frantically trying to get everything ready whilst the groom and his groomsmen continued getting ready. the bridesmaids tried their best not to let tears shed in an attempts to not ruin their makeup.

beautiful bouquets of red and white roses were scattered everywhere, decor was stuffed in any place possible, and pews overflowed with the guests. the wedding took months and last minute ideas to plan.

i spent many nights ordering the perfect flowers, tasting various foods, and matching the most elegant colors to make sure everything was perfect. after all, i'm the maid of honor and that's what it takes to make the bride happy. however none of this was for her, it was for him.

the reason i did anything was for him. of course it hurt, but i owed him. he had helped me through my darkest and happiest times, and it was the least i could do for my best friend. with everything he had going on the past few months i knew that my help would make it less stressful.

"it's almost time." i said forcing a smile as i checked my watch. it was 5:45 and the wedding was scheduled to start at 6.

"y/n, can i borrow you for just a second." ian said making me quickly look up from gabby. i pushed my brows together at the slightly panicked expression ian had plastered across his face.

"uh, yeah." gabby looked at me slightly worried, "i'll be right back." i said causing her to nod and turn her attention back to herself as she looked in the mirror.

as soon as i closed the door, ian's somewhat smooth composure fell. "shawn's freaking out, he doesn't think he can do this." ian explained as i followed him to the room with the groomsmen.

"hey calm down," i said laughing slightly, "he's probably just nervous."

ian shook his head as he came to a stop outside of the door, "i've seen shawn get nervous plenty of times, this isn't anything like that."

i pushed my brows together before opening the door. my eyes landed on him right away making my heart race suddenly. his tall frame was pacing back and forth across the old wooden tile. he tugged at the tie around his neck as he sighed.

"shawn?" i said catching his attention. his head snapped in my direction and it was as if relief took over him.

"y/n," he breathed out before wrapping his arms around me tightly. i closed my eyes tightly as i breathed in his cologne and melted under his touch.
"i can't do this." he mumbled through my hair softly.

"hey, look at me," i said pulling back to meet his eyes. his honey colored orbs were now glossy and darker than usual making my chest ache. i had never seen him like this. "you love her, and she loves you. it's only going to be about 15 minutes in front of your friends and family, and then it's over." i assured trying to convince him.

"that's not what i'm worried about." he said shaking his head as he turned away from me.

"then what is it?" i asked becoming confused as i tried to meet his eyes again.

"it's the thought of being married the rest of my life, waking up next to her every morning, starting a family, and growing old. it's just now hitting me and-," i cut him off as i shook my head.

"shawn if you didn't want to be committed then why did you propose?" i asked causing him to finally look away from the window and at me.

"it's not the commitment that i'm having a problem with..." shawn said stepping closer, "it's who i'm committing to." his eyes stared deeply into mine as i processed his words. i didn't want to think to deeply about them, and even have think that it meant more, but i wanted to.

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