exploring •2•

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amanda pulled up to an old asylum. it's gate was covered with rusty barbed wire, the doors were mostly all boarded up, and some of the windows had been busted. The dead grass crunches under our feet as we approached the creepy building.

"this was such a bad idea," i said shaking the flashlight to try to get it to turn on.

"oh come on y/n, you've said you wanted to explore something abandoned for years now." adam said dropping his arm over my shoulder lazily.

"yeah, but not with him." i said looking up to see shawn putting his phone in his back pocket before walking closer to the gate.

"you know," i turned my attention towards adam. i leaned my head back to meet his icy blue eyes, "they say the ones that hate each other at first, end up falling in love."

"who on earth says that?" i asked scrunching my nose and pushing my eyebrows together.

"people," Adam shrugged and lifted his arm off my shoulders, "and the people are always right."

  adam had no idea what he was saying, but for some odd reason though, i could somehow make a little sense of what he was saying. i still didn't believe it though.

"are you coming, or are you just gonna stand there?" shawn asked shining his flashlight over towards me. i sighed and started walking over to them.

the creaking gate slowly opened as adam and shawn pushed it. dead leaves crunched under my boots as i walked along the covered sidewalk. alyssa walked along the side of me, and adam and Shawn followed close behind.

the entrance door was, of course, blocked off. their was a tall broken window beside it. some of the glass was still sticking out, so adam took a piece of old plywood that used to cover a window and broke the rest of the shards of glass. he then walked through to make sure it was good. once he got through, we all followed.

i stopped as shawn stepped forward to walk through. he stood to the side and nodded his head, "go ahead," he said.

i was a little confused as to why he was letting me go, but i soon figured out why when my hand was gushing blood.

"shit," i mumbled looking down at the crimson colored liquid rolling down my arm.

"oh my god," adam's eyes went wide as he shined his flashlight on the deep cut. his face went pale and he swallowed hard.

"um adam come over here, shawn try to wrap her hand with something." alyssa said guiding adam over to the stairs.

"let me see," i flinched when shawn reached out for my hand. his eyes softened a little at my reaction. "come on y/n, i have to see how deep it cut." he said meeting my eyes. i reached my hand out for him to see it. his warm large hand held mine gently in his palm. his brows furrowed together as he examined it.

"we have to find some wrap." shawn said looking up.

"oh yeah, because there is just tons of that lying around." i said sarcastically as i rolled my eyes. i bent my arm and wrapped my fingers around my wrist.

"i mean it was a hospital at one point." he said staring to walk to one of the rooms. i sighed and looked around the dark lobby. "are you coming?" he asked leaning his head out of one of the rooms. i sighed before making my way around the old ceiling tiles and other trash.

shawn propped up the flashlight on an old metal gurney. he took off the hoodie he was wearing and then handed it to me. I took it with my non bloody hand and tucked it under my arm. He then lifted the black t-shirt he was wearing underneath it revealing his toned abs. I swallowed hard as I admired his muscular body. He ripped the shirt and tore a small strip big enough to wrap around my hand. I handed him back his hoodie as he threw the destroyed shirt on the ground with all the other trash.

he held out his hand for me to take. i looked up at him uncertain. "i'm not going to hurt you," he said nothing my nervousness, "i promise." he reassured with a sincere tone. i actually believed him. i held out my hand for him to take. he gently wrapped the material around my wrist to calm down the bleeding.

he concentrated closely as he did it with caution. a sharp pain shot through my hand making me wince. he looked up quickly, "i'm sorry." he apologized.

i was a caught a little off guard at how nice he was being. he had never been this nice to me. i was kind of enjoins it. he made me feel a little safer in the creepy building as he wrapped up my bloody hand.

"it's okay." i said giving him a soft smile.

he sighed and shook his head before tying the rest of the shirt off. "no it's not. I've been such an ass to you, and to be honest," he stood up from the kneeling position he was in and ran his fingers through his fluffy brown curls, "i don't know why. that night i bumped into you, i was so drunk. i was also going through some stuff at the time, and i just took it out on you in that moment. then afterwards i kinda just didn't know how to apologize, and it was a really cowardly thing to do, but i just continued to be an ass."

i stepped closer to him as he paused. his brown eyes looked up from the torn up carpet to meet my eyes. we were now inches apart. "and now i'm really wishing i wouldn't of been such an ass to a pretty amazing girl." he said with a small smirk.

i felt my cheeks heat up making me look down with a smile. he placed his index finger under my chin causing me to look back up. he slowly leaned, i closed my eyes as his lips brushed across mine. i felt his hand wander down to my lower back as he cupped my cheek with his other. he then kissed me passionately. his warm lips moved in-sync with mine. the kiss turned from soft and passionate to eager and hungry.

i smiled into the kiss dropped my arms over his shoulders. my hands made their way to his hair. he moaned slightly against my lips as i tugged softly.

"see, i told you those people are always right." i jumped back when i heard adam's deep voice echoing throughout the room. he was leaning against  the doorframe with a silly smile. i covered my face in embarrassment. shawn wrapped his arm around my waist and laughed softly.

maybe i did believe adam now.

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