"dance with me."

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the smell of gooey chocolate chip cookies lingered throughout the warm house. i had just pulled them out of the oven and was working on the next batch when the song, "you and I," by one direction began playing. 

I smiled to myself and slowly started moving my hips to the beat as I stirred the batter. As I scooped out the cookies and put them on the pan I couldn't help but hum to the slow song.

"man i hope you don't leave me for Harry styles." I jumped when i heard shawn's voice. I turned around to see him leaning against the fridge with a smirk.

"whatever," i said rolling my eyes as i scooped out more batter. i set down the spoon before walking over to him, "you know i would never leave you," i said as i slid my hands into his, "even if it was for Harry styles."

The song, "photograph," began playing throughout the kitchen. "Dance with me," i said holding my hands out for him to take. Shawn smiled and lifted my arm above my head as he twirled me around. he wrapped his arm around me and dipped me down. he leaned down to kiss me again, but i spun out of his grip making him laugh softly.

"we make these memories for ourselves," he sang softly as his body moved along with mine slowly. he licked his lips as his eyes flickered from mine to my eyes. he brought his large hand up to my cheek as he slowly leaned in. his warm lips met mine making my heart flutter. the things this boy did to me.

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