Ski trip •2•

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the icy air bit at my cheeks as i raced down the snowy mountain top. my father was ahead of me and my I had to pass him. i pushed forward to move faster. unfortunately for me my father turned quickly just as i was catching up to him and i collided with something.

i fell back and crashed onto the snow. i quickly shook the snow off of me and tried to see what or who i crashed into.

"are you like following me or something?" the pair of familiar brown eyes.

"what?" i could feel my cheeks heat up, "no- no, i was skiing and-," he cut me off with a laugh.

"I'm kidding," he stood up and brushed off the white flakes, "let me help you up." He held out his large hand for me to take. I slipped my small hand into his and he helped me up. Right when I stood up and put pressure on my feet a sharp pain shot through my left foot.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"Yeah, my foot just hurts." I said before taking a deep breath.

"Um," he scanned his eyes around in search for something making me confused. "You need to sit down."

"I'm not going to sit down in the snow where I'm going to get crushed by other skiers." I said shaking my head.

"I know that," he said shaking his head with a smile, "there's a rest area right around the corner." He said.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to walk far due to the agonizing pain. I didn't want to tell him I couldn't walk that far though.

"Oh, well then I better go." I mentally cursed at myself for my choice of words as i limped to the side.

"Woah, woah, woah," Shawn placed his hand on my shoulder stopping me, "you can't walk that far, it'll only make it worse. I'll help you," he paused, "that is if you want me to."

my heart started to race a little faster due to his words, "Uh," I cleared my throat, "Yeah, please if you don't mind."

The corner of his lips curved slightly before I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and leaned my body into his side. His arm wrapped around me walked slowly along with me.

by the time we got to the rest area my foot was throbbing. shawn sat down beside me on a wooden bench. He began taking off his skis before standing back up.

"I'll get you some hot chocolate and ibuprofen while you see if it's swollen or bruised." he said standing up. i nodded and took off the skis to examine my foot. i then took off my shoe and sock. there wasn't any dark purple bruise but my ankle was swollen.

"nice toenail polish." i looked up to see him with a styrofoam cup and a bottle of aspirin.

"thank you." i said laughing as he handed me the hot chocolate. he then handed me two pills that he poured into his hand. i popped them in and washed them down with the warm sweet liquid.

"y/n, what happened?" i turned my head to see my dad walking out of the store.

"well when i was trying to catch up to you, you turned causing me to collide into him and i hurt my foot." i explained.

"i didn't know where you went after i turned, i just figured you kept going down. i saw the sign for hot chocolate so i had to get some." He said looking at me and then at the boy that i still didn't know his name.

"I'm y/n's dad," he said walking in front of him and holding his hand out.

"I'm shawn, the one she crashed into." He said shaking my dads hand with a smile.

"Well I have to go back and get your mom and your brother, i think you should go back and put some ice on that." He said glancing down at my foot.

"Yeah," I said sighing.

"Can you make it back?" Dad asked looking at me with his brows pushed together.

I shook my head.

"I can tell your mom to meet us here but it might take a while." Dad said pulling his phone out.

"I can take her if you'd like sir, i was just about to go back myself." Shawn said. I looked over at him to see his cheeks had turned a darker shade of red.

Dad hesitated for a second before sighing causing a small puff of smoke to form in front of his lips, "okay, just call me when you get there." He said putting his phone back.

I nodded and he threw his trash away before going back up.

"You might want to put your sock back on before your toes turn the color of your blue toenail polish." Shawn said making me laugh and my heart to flutter.

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