nothing we can't handle

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the sound of crickets chirping loudly underneath the dark night sky rang in my ears. a cool breeze blew my hair behind my shoulders as i tugged at the damp grass. it was late on a thursday night, and if anyone found me i would probably be grounded for life.

"hey," he wrapped his arm around my body and pulled my close, "it's going to be okay. we're going to figure this out." he tried to assure, but i just shook my head and pulled away.

"what if we don't? what if we end up like romeo and juliet, or something?" i asked slightly panicked.

"calm down," he cupped my cheeks in his large hands, "there's nothing we can't handle." he smiled softly before placing his lips on mine.

i swallowed hard as i watched him walk across the stage. the principal handed him his diploma, and that was it. shawn had graduated, and was onto so much bigger things.

after the graduation ceremony and many hugs and tears from his loved ones, we snuck off to our spot. the trees were starting to turn green and the air was warmer than usual with the clear skies and bright sun shining.

his eyes focused on the view in front of us, his brows furrowed together as he got lost in his own thoughts. i sighed before placing my hand on his shoulder. he jumped slightly before looking over with a slight smile.

"i'm so proud of you." i said giving him a soft kiss on his cheek.

he wrapped his arm around me before inhaling sharply, "what do we do now?" he asked looking at me slightly worried.

"take it day by day," i said pushing his brown curls out of his face, "and remember there's nothing we can't handle.

"it's going to be okay, i'll call you every night after every show, and always text you. we're going to be okay." he assured as he pushed the stray hair behind my ear.

i took a deep breath before stepping out of his touch. his eyebrows pushed together as worry filled his chocolate colored eyes. i shook my head and gave a toothless smile as tears began to build up.

"shawn, this is your dream. you've been wanting this since you started posting videos. you deserve to have everything absolutely perfect and the way you want it. you shouldn't have to worry about calling your girlfriend hundreds and thousands miles away after giving your best performance and partying. you need to be free and enjoy it." i managed to finally tell him without my voice breaking. unfortunately, tears streamed down my cheeks making his turn glossy.

"i don't understand," he said shaking his eyes as he reached out for me, "you said you would do this with me."

"i know, but what i'm doing now is what's best." i tried to convince him along with myself.

"y/n, please." he pulled me close to him as his eyes searched mine for any kind of response, "i thought we could get through anything." he said stroking my cheek softly.

"not this shawn." i said placing my hand on his chest before backing away.

everyone told me that was the best thing to do, and i believed them. apparently i was right because i haven't heard from him or seen him since. even when he's come back into town, i guess i've been lucky enough not to run into him. i couldn't imagine if i did, i'm sure i would be a total wreck.

i don't even know what he looks like now. i try my best to never look at his social media, or watch him on tv. i do listen to his songs. i can't help but think some are about me. then i remember that it has been so long since we were together, there's no way.

i took a deep breath as i pushed the box full of memories to the side. i had planned to spend the rainy day cleaning up the house, but i got distracted when i was cleaning out the closet. i stumbled upon a bunch of sweatshirts and sweatpants shawn either left or gave me at some point, and underneath it all was the box full of memories between us.

i tried to bury all of the feelings i was dealing with at the moment, and went back downstairs for another cup of tea. as the steam flowed from the cup of hot coffee, a loud knock echoed throughout the house.

i jumped at the loud noise, and wondered who in the world would be here, especially in this weather. i sat down the sugar packets before making my way to the door. i turned the lock before opening the door revealing a face i never thought i'd see again.

"oh my-,"

part 2?

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