you found me.

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water droplets fell from the side of the glass causing a ring to develop on the wood surface. i placed my head in my hand as i wiped the water onto the floor.

"here you go." i jumped at the deep voice coming from the bartender. i pushed my brows together as i stared down at the full drink in front of me.

"i didn't order-," he cut me off with a smile as he threw a rag over his shoulder.

"i know, he did." he nodded towards a man with curly brown hair and honey colored eyes looking right into mine. you have got to be kidding me. the last thing i wanted was to be hit on right now.

i grabbed my purse and made my way over to him. i could see the smirk beginning to form on his lips as my heels clicked across the concrete floor. he took a sip off his iced drink before swiveling around.

"i've watched the news enough to know that guys don't just buy girls drinks anymore, and i rather not be the next headline on the morning news." i spat with coldness from my lips. i was taken aback by my own words, but he didn't even flinch.

"i am definitely not going to drug you ms., i just needed an excuse to talk to you." he said turning his lips revealing his charming smile.

"and why's that?" i asked tilting my head as i gripped my purse.

"well i noticed you when you walked in, and ever since you sat down you've been sulking. no one was with you, so i thought you might wanna sulk with someone." he said turning to grab his beer. i noticed a familiar tattoo covering part of his hand, and that's when it clicked.

"i've read about you." i said taking a seat beside him and placing my purse down.

"oh really? good things i hope." he said staring off.

"eh, if you consider 'shawn mendes seen with yet another girl this week' good news then yes." i said turning to see his jaw clenched. i must of struck a nerve. i cleared my throat awkwardly and readjusted in my seat, "sorry, thanks for the drink." i said taking a five out of my purse.

"you don't usually pay the person that buys you a drink." he said placing it back in my purse. i sighed and leaned across the counter.

"let's take some shots." he said before calling the bartender over. usually i would protest, but i needed them tonight.

"wait, so you haven't talked to her since?" i asked pushing my brows together.

"nope, she packed all her stuff and just disappeared. there wasn't much left to say." he responded before throwing his head back to take the last shot.

i nodded and felt my problems start to creep back in. i released a breath before reaching for my phone.

no new notifications

"so, what about you? what are you doing here on a thursday night?" he asked turning towards me.

"just pregaming before the weekend i guess." i try to lie and play it off, but he knew i was lying.

i took a deep breath and brushed my hair behind my ear, "i called off my engagement tonight."

he sucked in a deep breath as his eyes widened, "wow."

i laughed slightly, "yeah, the wedding was about three weeks away and i went to check the account for the balance so i could manage what was left of the wedding fund, and found where he had been booking hotels, buying flowers, and fancy restaurants. none of which was for the wedding or me," i shook my head as my eyebrows scrunched together, "i've felt so dumb, i should have known when the account started draining like crazy. i just figured it was normal, and that it happened when planning a wedding." i shook my head still in disbelief.

"who was it?" he asked.

"the mistress or the man?" i asked confused.

"both." he answered.

"the man was my high school sweetheart, we might junior year. we had our whole lives planned, i even missed out on my dream college to stay here with him," i rubbed my forehead as i sighed, "and the mistress," i met his eyes, "was my best friend."

"i'm so sorry." he said with a sincere facial expression.

"i'm just glad i found out before we were married." i shrugged and looked at the time. it was getting late, and i had work in the morning. "but thanks for tonight." i said placing a few dollars on the table before getting up.

i immediately felt fuzzy and felt my legs go out.

"woah, now." i felt his arms wrap around me causing my body to feel even more warm. "you are not driving home." he said laughing slightly.

"i'm fine to drive shawn." i insisted, but he wasn't listening. he shoved his phone in his pocket as his other hand held onto me tightly, as if i was just going to fall on my face.

i honestly probably would have. i didn't feel that drunk until i stood up, and i instantly felt tired.

"come on." he said guiding me out of the bar. on the way to the parking lot i started seeing bright lights and loud voices.

"shit." shawn mumbled as he brought me closer to his chest causing me to be even more confused, but i didn't move. the smell of his cologne welcomed me and made me forget what was even happening.

i felt the feeling of cold leather underneath my thighs as a seatbelt stretched across my chest. "i'm not a child." i said rolling my eyes. he didn't react and just slammed the door before running over his side. i could still hear the voices and see the lights from the rear view mirror.

"are you even okay to drive?" i asked pushing my brows together.

"i'm basically sober." he mumbled as he put the car in reverse and started to back up.

the streetlights from the highway shined into the car causing his face to light up. his jawline was so defined, his hair styled messy but perfect, his eyes focusing on the traffic, and his plumped lips pursed together.

i shook the thoughts from my mind and quickly looked away. my head was still swirling, that's the only reason i had these thoughts. right?

i closed my eyes and leaned back into the headrest. this was such a strange night.

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