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the cold water met my feet and seemed to wash all of my worries away. the breeze brushed across my sunburnt skin causing me to shiver slightly. i crossed my arms over my chest and stepped back into the dry sand.

"i never want to leave." i said with a smile as i watched the seagulls search for their dinner.

"then let's stay here forever." he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"one day." i said turning around in his arms. i placed my hand on his chest before kissing his cheek.

the sweet moment ended when he swept me off the ground and began carrying me into the ocean. i wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed loudly as he tripped into the water.

"i hate you." i said once i came up for air.

"oh come on," he shook his wet curls and wiped the water from his eyes, "you know you love me." he said as he splashed water towards me.

"i'm starving." i said as i took the towel off of my wet hair.

"me too, where do you-." he stopped when his eyes landed on me. he looked me up and down making me feel a little self-conscious. i was wearing a yellow sundress, and i had not had the time to put on any makeup yet.

"what?" i asked pushing my brows together slightly.

"you look great babe." he said as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me close to him.

"i'm not even ready." i said shaking my head and trying to push him back.

he kissed my forehead, my cheek, and down to my lips. "you smell amazing."

"thanks, now go take a shower." i said kissing his lips softly before pushing him into the bathroom.

i gathered all my makeup and decided to keep it light. concealer, mascara, and some lipgloss. we weren't going anywhere fancy, and plus i was too lazy.

i was finishing braiding my hair when shawn walked out of the bathroom. his curls were dripping water down his shoulders, and a towel wrapped around his waist was the only thing covering him.

i bit my lip softly as i watched his back muscles flex as he looked through his bag. the towel began to fall slightly showing off the faint tan line from his bathing suit. i turned my head slightly to try to get a better view, but he caught me.

"if you wanted a better view, all you have to do is ask." he said with a cheeky smirk.

i rolled my eyes and began to find him a shirt. "i think you should wear this." it was a navy blue button up that would enhance his tan even more.

"thanks babe." he said taking it from my hands and headed back into the bathroom.

i sat down on the edge of the bed and began to scroll through my socials. i hadn't really had any time to check anything. i didn't really have any interest either. i turned my phone off and seconds later he walked out dressed and his hair styled perfectly.

he placed his hands on the bed and leaned down to kiss me. i placed my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer as i laid back.

our lips began to mold together perfectly as his hand traced up my leg making chills form across my entire body. i pulled away breathlessly and looked into his now dark eyes.

"you ready to go?" i asked rolling out from underneath him.

"i hate you." he said collapsing onto the bed.

"oh come on," i grabbed his hand, "you know you love me."

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