kissing strangers

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rain drops pounded on the roof as thunder shook the house. it was a gloomy Sunday night that I was spending studying for my exams. soft music played to drown out the loud echo.

i decided to take a break from reading the never ending pages. my throat was dry, so i decided to get a glass of red wine. i poured the liquid into the glass and then brought it to my lips. the taste brought back memories, ones that i didn't want to remember.

i was turning off the light when a loud knock signaled someone was at the door. i wasn't expecting anyone to stop by, especially at this hour. i sat my glass down on the counter before making my way to the door.

i took a deep breath before cautiously opening the door. for all i know, a murder could be on the other side. relief washed over me when i met the familiar brown eyes, but that relief was soon replaced with anger and confusion.

"what are you doing here?" i asked bitterly. his usually perfectly styled curls were now matted to his forehead as drops of water fell down his face. his clothes were soaked, and his eyes were completely bloodshot. he looked a mess.

"i came here to talk." his raspy voice croaked out.

"theres nothing more to say," i said before trying to close the door.

he raised his hand and stopped the door from closing, "please y/n." he begged.

i sighed and looked at the sadness in his eyes. "fine." i mumbled before stepping aside for him to walk in.

"i'll get you some dry clothes." i told him before walking back up to my bedroom. i opened up the bottom drawer and pulled out the pair of gray sweatpants and black t-shirt he left.

"here, you know where the bathroom is." i said tossing him the clothes before walking back into the kitchen. i sat down on the stool in front of the bar as i dipped on the wine.

after a few minutes he walked in. the shirt hugged his muscular biceps as he ran his fingers through his now damp hair. i took a deep breath before looking down at the half empty glass.

"what did you want to talk about?" i asked softly.

"us," he said making my eyes shoot up. he had his brows pushed together and a look of remorse in his eyes.

i cleared my throat and shook my head before hopping off the stool, "there isn't an us anymore shawn." i said pushing past him to find the bottle.

"y/n, i made a mistake. i was drunk and overwhelmed, I-," he stopped and stepped closer to me, "will you please just listen." he said raising his voice slightly.

i closed my eyes tightly and closed the cabinet before slowly turning around. i met his eyes and crossed my arms over my chest before he continued.

"i felt like we were drifting apart, i was either at the studio or some event, and you had classes or were studying for them. we were growing distant and I-,"

"well sorry for trying to get my education. not everyone can be blessed with a voice and tour the world." i scoffed.

he sighed and ran his hands over his face out of frustration, "i was overthinking things and drank to feel a little better. i drank too much and took it out on you. i am so sorry," his hoarse voice cracked as he spoke.

"Shawn," i swallowed hard and tried to swallow the lump growing in my throat. my heart ached seeing him like this, and as much as i wanted to tell him everything was okay, i couldn't.

"i miss you so fucking much. i miss being able to hold you, i miss your corny jokes that make me laugh, i miss that smile you have that lights up the room, and your laugh, oh my god that's damn laugh," he sighed and shook his head, "i tried to get over it. i tried so fucking hard, but i can't keep kissing strangers pretending they are you." a tear slid down his rosy cheek.

my brain told me not to do it, but my heart was reaching out for him. I've spent the past few months trying to forget him and just move on, but i knew i couldn't. i loved him way too much, which is why i crashed my lips on his.

his hands cupped my cheeks and pulled me closer deepening the passionate kiss. i ran my fingers through his hair as he pushed me against the counter. we pulled away breathlessly after a few seconds. he rested his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes, "i love you so much."

yikes i didn't know how to end this.

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