it's you

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the sound of rain pounding against the roof of the car was the only thing that could be heard. both of their eyes focused on anything but each other. shawn's jaw was clenched tightly as he gripped the steering wheel so tight, it turned his knuckles a pale white.

neither one of them had said a word since she got in the car. there was so much that needed to be said, but they were never the best at admitting anything. which is partly the reason why they are in this situation.

"i should get home." she croaked out as she broke the awkward silence.

"why?" he asked searching for her eyes.

"um because it's late, and you-," he cut her off by shaking his head.

"no, why did you do it?" he asked the question that had been burning in his throat the whole time.

"shawn," she closed her eyes tightly and looked down at her intertwined hands, "you were always gone, and a woman has needs."

shawn scoffed, "you've got to be kidding me," he mumbled, "i was on the road for months! on top of performing every night, recording more songs, and sleepless nights on unfamiliar roads, i only thought about how much i needed to be home to-," his eyes softened as he lowered his now loud tone.

shawn's body sunk back in the seat as his eyes focused on the steering wheel. realization sunk in and hit him like a tidal wave. none of his feelings, guilt, or sadness was towards the blonde girl in the passenger seat. 

he cleared his throat as he shook his head. his hands fumbled to find the keys, "i'll get you back home, and after this it's the last you'll see of me." he told her as his shaky hand turned the key in the ignition.

the smell of hot chocolate lingered throughout the dimly lit house. the faint laughs coming from the sitcom that i was currently watched was drowned out by a pounding on the door.

who in the world would be here at this hour? not to mention the horrendous weather going on.

i sat my freshly made hot cocoa down and braced myself for the stranger that could kill me. i took a deep breath and mentally cursed at myself for not checking the peep hole before i opened the door.

i instantly wished it had been a stranger and not the brown eyed boy i knew all to well. his usual perfectly styled curls were now covering his forehead as water droplets fell down his pale face. his cheeks were now ridden of the pink tint, and the warm eyes i once knew were now dark and filled with regret.

"what are you doing here?" i asked pushing my brows together as my grip on the door tightened.

"i came here to talk." he said looking deeply into my eyes making my heart race. i took a deep breath and shook my head. a loud rumble of thunder shook the house, and just my luck the power goes out.

"okay." i gave in. i knew i couldn't let shawn just leave in this weather, plus i didn't want to be alone in a dark house.

he walked in causing the floor to the soaking wet. i sighed and told him to stay where he was before going to get some of the clothes he had left in the past. i opened the drawer and pulled out the black t-shirt and gray sweatpants before walking back downstairs.

"here," i said tossing the fresh clothes at him. he mumbled something that sounded like a thank you before making his way to the bathroom.

i sat down on the couch and rested my head in my hands. this can't be happening. it's been months since i've seen him, and the last time i did see him it didn't end well. so what could he possibly want now?

i sighed before turning off the tv. shawn walked in a few moments later. his once damp hair was now starting to dry, his tattoos were now noticeable and so were his muscular arms and toned figure.

i swallowed hard and ripped my eyes off of him as he made his way towards me.

"i'm sorry, i should have listened to you." shawn choked out after a few seconds of silence.

"what?" i asked taken aback by his sudden apology.

"you were right about serena, she wasn't the one for me." he shook his head as he looked down at his hands.

"what happened?" i asked becoming concerned. i found myself comforting him as i rubbed his back, but i quickly stopped myself and pulled away.

"it doesn't matter, what matters is that it made me realize something i should of known a long time ago." he said looking up to meet my eyes.

i pushed my brows together in confusion as i swallowed hard. i moved closer to him, but made sure to keep distance between us.

"it's you. everything i do, every love song, every thought, it's always about you. i've tried to shake it off, but no matter what everything comes back to you, y/!n." shawn admitted as confusion wrote itself across his face as if he was shocked by his own feelings.

"the whole time i was gone, i just wanted to come home to you. i felt guilty for feeling so strongly about you, when i was with someone else, but i knew i wouldn't be able to just throw my feelings away." he continued.

i searched for the words to say, but all i could manage was, "why didn't you?"

"i figured after the way we left things, you wouldn't want to see me again." he said as his facial features softened.

"shawn," my hand managed to find his as i spoke, "we both said things we didn't mean, but that doesn't mean i didn't want to see you." i confessed.

i would be lying if i said, i hadn't hid my feelings for him for years. i just never wanted to tell him because i didn't want to ruin our friendship, plus i never thought he would ever feel the same way.

"i should of called you, or even texted you. i just let my pride get the best of me and i-," i cut his rambling off as i smiled.

"just kiss me already." he sighed a breath of relief before cupping my cheek with his warm large hand. he crashed his lips on mine making me melt under his touch. his lips moved with mine as my hands found his hair. he hummed against my lips as i ran my fingers through his curls.

i smiled to myself before breaking the passionate kiss.

"took you long enough." i said sarcastically with a smile still on my lips.

he rolled his eyes as he smiled before kissing me again.

it was always him.

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