"i'm so in love with you."

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short but sweet :) 

his hands brushed the stray hairs behind my ear as he hummed softly to the song playing from the speakers. my head was resting on his shoulder as we stared out at the twinkling lights that lit up the city below us. shawn had brought me to the cliff that we met at, it was the perfect view of los angeles. 

"i like this song," i mumbled quietly as the song, 'ocean eyes,' by billie eilish began playing. 

his hand managed to find its way to my thigh, he traced small circles on my jeans making goosebumps form upon my skin. i felt him chuckle beside me. 

"what?" i asked lifting my head from his shoulders to look at him with my eyebrows pushed together. 

"you shivered." he said with a small smile. 

"oh," i said smiling a little as i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. i pushed my hair behind my ear that covered my face and stared down at my intertwined hands in my lap. 

"fuck," he said quietly, i quickly looked up to see him running his fingers through his brown locks as he kept that same grin on his face, "i'm so in love with you." his brown eyes turned to mine making my heart race even more after his statement. 

i slowly raised my hand to his cheek, and secretly hoped he wouldn't notice how badly i was shaking. he wrapped his fingers around my wrist as he leaned into my hand. i took a deep breath before inching closer to him. he closed the small space between us as his lips met mine making my body come to life. every fuzzy feeling and butterfly erupted making me crave more of the feeling even more. he deepened the kiss and kissed me with even more passion and love. 

if you have any request/ already requested i am working very hard to get back to you. my life has kind of been hectic lately, but i promise i am working on it!

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